Welcome to the San José/Evergreen Community College District

With student learning as its primary focus, the San José/Evergreen Community College District provides continuous access to a wide range of comprehensive and flexible post-secondary academic and occupational programs that prepare Silicon Valley residents of all ages for balanced and productive lives and successful careers.

Located in the northeastern Santa Clara Valley, the San José/Evergreen Community College District encompasses more than 300 square miles, including part of the city of San José and all of the city of Milpitas.


  • Budget News Conference

    budget news conf

    Hundreds of students, along with county-wide superintendents and local community college chancellors joined forces to address California's budget situation at San José City College on Thursday, November 20. SJECCD Chancellor Rosa Pérez explained the trickle-down effect the budget has on students at the kindergarten level, all the way up to the college level and emphasized that the cuts to community colleges across the state could mean a loss of ¼ million students-equivalent to shutting down 10 UC campuses. Students have been posting signs across the college campuses and have even sent hundreds of letters to the Governor's office asking the State Legislature to not give up on education.

The Board of Trustees

The San José/Evergreen Community College District is governed by a seven-member board of trustees. These trustees represent a population of over 918,800 people.

  • Information on Measure G

    Through the generosity of San José voters, the San José Evergreen Community College District is making major improvements on both campuses.


San José / Evergreen Community College District phone (408) 274 6700 emailinfo@sjeccd.org Return to Top