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Underserved Communities

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Professionals working with victims of crime may find the following training-related links of interest:

Denver Victim Services 2000 Community Advocate Program (September 2001)
This fact sheet (FS 000272) describes the Community Advocate (CA) Program, an outreach initiative of the Denver, Colorado, Victim Services 2000 demonstration project funded by OVC. CAs are known, respected, and involved members of underserved and unserved communities; they can establish trust within a community and build bridges between victims and victim service providers. The fact sheet discusses development of the CA Program, services provided by CAs in Denver communities, and the types of crime addressed by CAs.

Victim Services 2000 (VS2000) Web site
VS2000 is a strategy to support communities in creating a seamless network of services for all crime victims. Demonstration sites in Denver, Colorado, and in Vermont are online for your review. See also the OVC bulletin Denver Victim Services 2000 Needs Assessment for a history of Denver VS2000.

If you would like to suggest a new link, resource, or topic, please forward your suggestion via AskOVC.

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008