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American Indians

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Professionals working with victims of crime may find the following training-related links of interest:

Bitter Earth: Child Sexual Abuse in Indian Country (video and discussion guide) This video and discussion guide examine incidences of, patterns of, and responses to child sexual abuse in American Indian communities. Together they provide a basis for discussion of this problem among members of tribal and American Indian organizations, tribal court and law enforcement personnel, victim advocates, child welfare and human services professionals, and community organizations.

Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (June 2003)
This fact sheet (FS 000303) describes an OVC grant program that provides funds and technical assistance to improve the capacity of existing tribal systems to handle serious child abuse cases, particularly cases of sexual abuse.

FY 2008 District Specific Training Conferences
OVC's District Specific Training Program is an ongoing effort designed to help U.S. Attorneys comply with federal crime victims' legislation and improve the response of federal criminal justice personnel to the rights and needs of victims of federal crime. The program provides skills-building training to tribal and federal criminal justice personnel and others who assist crime victims in Indian Country.

Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), U.S. Department of Justice
This OVW-funded grant program provides federal financial assistance to state coalitions, including Tribal Coalitions, to support the coordination of state victim services and encourage collaboration and coordination with federal, state, and local entities engaged in violence against women activities. Grant recipients may also benefit from the training and technical assistance provided via Clanstar, Inc. , whose vision is "Improving Justice to Strengthen the Sovereignty of Indigenous Women."

I'm Going to Federal Court with Mark & Julie (1997)
This OVC activity book (PDF only) includes pages to color, games, puzzles, and information to teach child witnesses about the court experience they face. The book is a companion piece to the video Inside Federal Court (September 1995; NCJ 157156), which also instructs children and their families about the court process to build confidence and reduce anxiety about testifying.
PDF (10.35 mb)

National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA)
NICWA works to protect and promote the welfare of American Indian children and their families. The association provides public policy research, and advocacy, information and training relating to Indian child welfare, and community development services to a national audience including tribal governments and programs, state child welfare agencies, and other organizations, agencies, and professionals interested in the field of Indian child welfare.

National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA)
NICOA advocates for American Indian and Alaska Native elders, striving to better the lives of the Nation's indigenous seniors through advocacy, employment training, dissemination of information, and data support.

Organizational Capacity Building Resources for American Indian/Alaska Native Victim Service Programs (December 2004)
This resource matrix is from a workshop presentation prepared by OVC Visiting Fellow, Mary Atlas-Terry, for the 9th National Indian Nations: Justice for Victims of Crime Conference in Palm Springs, California, December 2004. The 23-page matrix identifies resources for victim service programs in Indian Country, including resources for program planning, professional development, federal and foundation funding, and raising public awareness. Also in PDF (72 kb).

Training and Technical Assistance Newsletter; USTCDG - Newsletter #18
Produced in part with OVC funds, this newsletter highlights information and resources specific to the needs of CCVIC/FBO grantees (Counseling for Crime Victims in Indian Country by Faith-Based Organizations grantees) to facilitate strength and healing for victims of crime in tribal communities. This monthly newsletter is available online; issue #18 (PDF 1.5 mb) features:

  • "Counseling for Crime Victims: The Faith Community's Impact"
  • "Recognizing Elder Abuse"
  • "Interviewing Elders"
  • "Grandparents raising Grandchildren"
  • "What Faith Communities Can Do to Promote Elder Abuse Awareness"

If you would like to suggest a new link, resource, or topic, please forward your suggestion via AskOVC.

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008