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Professionals working with victims of crime may find the following training-related links of interest:

Promising Practices and Strategies for Victim Services in Corrections (July 1999)
This report (NCJ 166605) offers an overview of correctional practices and planning strategies for responding to victims of crime. It contains a wealth of ideas to establish and enhance corrections-based victim services, particularly improving treatment of crime victims in the postsentencing phase of their cases. e-only icon
ASCII (148 kb) or PDF (4.1 mb)

Promising Victim-Related Practices and Strategies in Probation and Parole (July 1999)
This OVC compendium (NCJ 166606) explains ways in which probation and parole can change from being simply offender directed to a balanced approach that addresses the specific needs of all involved, including victims. e-only icon
HTML, ASCII (451 kb), or PDF (3.70 mb)

If you would like to suggest a new link, resource, or topic, please forward your suggestion via AskOVC.

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008