U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration FHWA HomeFeedback

Costs and Emissions Impacts of CMAQ Project Types

Prepared for: US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Policy

Prepared by: Hagler Bailly, Inc


Summary Review of Costs and Emissions Information for 24 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Projects

Table of Contents

Overview of Report

This report on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) builds on the extensive program-wide set of CMAQ project data gathered by FHWA.1 It also expands on work by USEPA on the costs and air quality impacts of the CMAQ program.2

The purpose of the report is to determine, for each of a set of 24 individual CMAQ projects, the total annual costs (i.e., CMAQ and non-CMAQ funds), estimated annual emissions reductions, and actual project lifetimes. The projects reviewed are listed in Table One. The projects selected for review, to the extent feasible within the limits of this study, represent the geographic diversity of the CMAQ program and the types of transportation projects that are eligible for CMAQ funding.3

The review findings are presented in the following sections of Chapter 1, while Chapter 2 of the report draws conclusions based on the report findings. Appendix A provides an assessment of project cost effectiveness for two sample projects, and Appendix B provides detailed information about individual project emissions estimates.

A Note on Calculating Emission Reduction and Other Benefits of CMAQ Projects: The benefits of the CMAQ program, and particularly projects that promote alternatives to drive alone travel, extend beyond emissions reductions and congestion relief. Many CMAQ projects have ancillary benefits that support other policy initiatives, such as energy conservation, support for welfare to work programs, economic development, and community livability initiatives. This contrasts with other emission control strategies, such as smokestack scrubbers, that generate only air quality benefits.

An accurate estimate of CMAQ project emissions reduction cost effectiveness should reflect these ancillary benefits; however, program-wide data is at present insufficient to accurately apportion costs between ancillary benefits. Thus, in this report, no assessment is provided of the cost effectiveness of individual projects in terms of air pollutant reductions. A short appendix (Appendix A) to the report; however, provides a discussion of non emissions reduction benefits associated with two of the projects reviewed in this study and an allocation of costs to each ancillary benefit generated by the project allows representative cost-effectiveness ratios to be calculated.

Overview of the CMAQ Program

The CMAQ program was established under ISTEA as a funding source for transportation projects and programs that help support the goals of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. CMAQ funding is apportioned to states based on a legislative formula that takes into account population in areas that do not meet air quality standards, and severity of regional air quality problems. States may use CMAQ funds for a variety of transportation-related measures and programs designed to help meet and maintain the national air quality standards for carbon monoxide and ozone, and in some cases, small particulate matter (PM-10).

Table One: CMAQ Projects Studied

Category Project Name State
Shared Ride     Commuter Assistance Program CA
Glendale Parking Management Program CA
University Rideshare Program GA
Park-n-Ride Facility MD
Regional Vanpool Program TX
Bike/Ped  City of Philadelphia Bicycle Network Plan PA
Suburban Bike Rack Incentive Program IL
Traffic Flow Arterial Street Signal Interconnect PA
Signal Systemization Project along MD 2 MD
Incident Management Program/ATMS GA
Signal Interconnection Project IL
Extension of HOV Lanes CT
Transit Lake Cook Shuttle Bug IL
Houston Transit Subsidy TX
Light Rail Vehicles MD
University City/30th Street Circulator PA
Commuter Rail Coaches MD
MARTA Intelligent Transportation System GA
MARTA Transit Incentives GA
TDM Long Island TDM Program NY
IEPA Public Education & Outreach IL
Atlanta Region TMAs GA
Other Fairfax Co. Alternative Fuel Vehicles Program VA
Alternative Fuels Refueling Station GA

CMAQ project selection decisions are made at the state and local level, but are subject to broad Federal guidelines on project eligibility. For purposes of tracking states' CMAQ spending, projects are classified in by the following categories:4

  • Shared-Ride Services (e.g., park-and-ride facilities, the establishment of vanpool or carpool programs, and programs to match drivers and riders)
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Programs (e.g., development of bicycle trails, storage facilities, and pedestrian walkways, as well as promotional activities)
  • Traffic Flow Improvements (e.g., signalization improvements; traffic management/control, such as incident management and ramp metering; and improvements at intersections)
  • Transit Improvements (e.g., system/service expansion, replacement of buses with cleaner vehicles, and market strategies)
  • Transportation Demand Management Strategies (e.g., promotion of employee trip reduction programs and development of transportation management plans)
  • Inspection and Maintenance Programs (e.g., updating inspection and maintenance quality assurance software and training, construction of advanced diagnostic facilities or equipment purchases)
  • Other Projects (e.g., conversion of fleets to alternative fuels).

CMAQ Project Review Findings

The following sections describe the projects reviewed in each of the six CMAQ project funding categories considered as part of this analysis, which include shared ride services, pedestrian/bicycle, traffic flow, transit, Transportation Demand Management, and other projects. For each category, a table that summarizes quantitative findings is presented, accompanied by a brief commentary on findings.

Notes on Presentation of Data:

  • Project Lifetimes: Information on project lifetimes is provided as reported by project contacts. Where such information was unavailable, footnotes indicate that an approximate value has been calculated, based on general transportation planning principles and comparison with similar projects.

  • Costs: Costs for each project are presented in an annualized format to facilitate comparison across projects. Where annualized cost information was not provided by project contacts, annualized project costs were calculated using a 7.0 percent discount rate (typical for public sector infrastructure projects) over the stated project lifetimes.

  • Emissions: The tables present emissions reductions for all projects in tons per year to facilitate ease of data review. In some cases, information supplied by project contacts has been converted from kilograms or pounds per day using appropriate conversion factors and a standard program effectiveness rate of 250 days per year. In most cases, reductions are presented as reported by project contacts; therefore the number of pollutants reported varies from project to project.

  • National Median Emissions: As a point of reference, the FY1997 national median emissions reduction associated with each project category, as reported by FHWA, is provided.5

Shared Ride Projects

Five CMAQ-funded shared ride projects were reviewed for this analysis. Findings are summarized in Table Two. Projects examined include:

  • Commuter Assistance Program, CA: A county-level rideshare program that offers incentives to first time ride-sharers and users of other non drive-alone modes.
  • Glendale Transportation Management Association (TMA) Parking Management Program, CA: A parking management program operated by two employers that uses variable parking prices to encourage non drive-alone modes.
  • University Rideshare Program, GA: A lump-sum eligible to colleges and universities within the 10 county ARC region to provide startup funds for student and staff-based rideshare programs.
  • Park-and-Ride Facility, MD: Construction of additional spaces at a park and ride lot served by transit.
  • Regional Vanpool Program, TX: A region-wide vanpool program operated as a market-driven alternative to the Employer Trip Reduction program.

The shared ride project category contains a diversity of projects. For example, capital projects, like the Maryland park and ride lot expansion, generate long-term air quality and other benefits. Other projects, such as the Commuter Assistance Program, fund annual operating costs, like staff time or incentives, and require annual funding to maintain benefits.

Project Lifetime: The lifetimes of the shared-ride projects reviewed vary from one to thirty years. Three of the five shared ride projects have a one-year life span that is clearly defined by annually recurring operating costs, such as staff salaries or leasing arrangements. The anticipated lifetimes of the two multi-year projects studied are based on general assumptions about anticipated lifetime.

Project Costs: Annualized project costs range in magnitude from $16,125 to $1,699,709. The non-CMAQ share of project funding varies from 20 percent to 69 percent.

Project Emissions Reductions: Annual VOC emission reductions associated with each project range from 0.25 tons to 30.0 tons. Annual NOx emission reductions associated with each project range from 1.0 tons to 62.0 tons. Appendix B contains detailed descriptions of the methodologies used to estimate emissions reductions.

Other Benefits: In addition to providing air quality benefits, shared ride projects also help reduce congestion and save energy. To the extent that they help reduce vehicle travel, they relieve pressure for highway capacity enhancements, and they support a broad array of environmental goals that are directly linked to reduced vehicle travel, such as stormwater quality.

Lessons learned from Review of Emissions Methodologies:

  • Methodologies for developing approximate estimates of shared ride projects are generally straightforward relative to other CMAQ project categories.
  • The annual funding required to continue many shared ride projects provides an opportunity to base emissions estimates on actual experience.
  • Improved estimates of project lifetimes are needed to accurately annualize the costs associated with annual emissions reductions of multi-year projects.

Table Two: Shared Ride Projects

Project Name Annual Project Cost6 Annual Emissions Reduction
(Tons and Year of Estimate)7
Commuter Assistance Program, CA

Project Life: 1 year
CMAQ          $241,250
Non-CMAQ   $176,193
Total             $417,443
VOC 2.64 (FY 95/96)
NOx 2.64 (FY 95/96)
CO 22.82 (FY 95/96)
PM10 1.77 (FY 95/96)
Glendale Transportation Management
Association (TMA) Parking Management
Program, CA

Project Life: 1 year
CMAQ          $54,500
Non-CMAQ   $50,000
Total             $104,500
ROG 4.43 (1995)
NOx 5.04 (1995)
CO 38.94 (1995)
PM10 3.04 (1995)
University Rideshare Program, GA

Project Life: 10 years8
CMAQ          $85,427
Non-CMAQ   $21,357
Total             $106,783
VOC 4.00 (2005)
NOx 4.00 (2005)
Park-n-Ride Facility, MD

Project Life: 30 years
CMAQ          NA
Total             $16,125
VOC 0.25 (1999)
NOx 1.00 (1999)
Regional Vanpool Program, TX

Project Life: 1 year
CMAQ         $528,945
Non-CMAQ  $1,170,764
Total           $1,699,709
VOC 30.00 (1997/8)9
NOx 62.00 (1997/8)10

National median emissions reduction:11

VOC 1.37 tons/yr.
NOx 1.92 tons/yr

Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects

Two CMAQ-funded bicycle and pedestrian projects were reviewed in this analysis. Findings are summarized in Table Three. Projects examined include:

  • City of Philadelphia Bicycle Network Plan, PA: A comprehensive city-wide bicycle plan
  • Frankfort-Suburban Bike Rack Program, IL: A bicycle rack installation program

In addition to air quality improvements associated with these projects, a range of other benefits are also generated, such as improved quality of life, reduced congestion, and energy savings. The projects in this analysis are thought to be typical of bicycle and pedestrian projects, which are likely to be one-time, capital investments that generate multi-year benefits.

Project Lifetime: A 30-year lifetime is estimated for both of the bicycle/pedestrian projects studied. These estimates are derived from standard transportation planning and engineering assumptions about the lifetime of bicycle facility improvements.

Project Costs: Annualized pedestrian and bicycle project costs in the study range from $26,594 for a site-specific capital improvement, to $298,170 for a coordinated region-wide bicycle planning initiative. The non-CMAQ share of project funding ranges from 20 percent to 45 percent.

Project Emissions Reductions: Annual VOC emission reductions associated with each project range from 0.26 tons to 7.48 tons. Annual NOx emission reductions are calculated for only one project at 6.41 tons per year. Appendix B contains detailed descriptions of the methodologies used to estimate emissions reductions.

Other Benefits: In addition to providing air quality benefits, bicycle and pedestrian projects also help reduce congestion and save energy. To the extent that they help reduce vehicle travel, they also relieve pressure for highway capacity enhancements, and they support a broad array of environmental goals that are directly linked to increased vehicle travel, such as stormwater quality. Bicycle and pedestrian projects may also support enhanced community quality of life.

Lessons learned from Review of Emissions Methodologies:

  • Methodologies used to develop emissions estimates for bicycle/pedestrian projects are complex.
  • Improved estimates of bicycle/pedestrian project lifetimes are needed to accurately annualize emissions reductions.
  • The emissions reduction provided for the Pennsylvania project is for a single year; however, this reduction will be eroded in the long run as the fleet emissions profile improves over time

Table Three: Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects

Project Name Annual Project Cost12 Annual Emissions Reduction
(Tons and Year)13
City of Philadelphia
Bicycle Network Plan, PA

Project Life: 30 years14
CMAQ:          $238,536
Non-CMAQ:   $59,634
Total:             $298,170
VOC: 7.48 (1994)
NOx: 6.41 (1994)
Frankfort-Suburban Bike Rack
Incentive Program, IL

Project Life: 30 years
CMAQ:          $14,506
Non-CMAQ:   $12,088
Total:             $26,594
VOC: 0.26 (Average over
life of project)15

National median emissions reduction:16

VOC 0.27 tons
NOx 0.27 tons

Traffic Flow Projects

Five CMAQ-funded traffic flow projects were reviewed in this analysis. Findings are summarized in Table Four. Projects analyzed included:

  • Arterial Street Signal Interconnect, Philadelphia, PA: Interconnection of traffic signals along arterials with high transit use to improve traffic flow and to enhance transit quality.
  • Signal Systemization Project along MD 2, MD: Coordination of traffic signals along an arterial in the Baltimore region.
  • Incident Management Program/ATMS, GA: Implementation of an incident management program on Atlanta-region urban highways.
  • Signal Interconnection Project: Pulaski Rd from Stevenson Expy to 87th St, IL: Coordination of traffic signals along an arterial in the Chicago region.
  • Extension of HOV Lanes on Interstate 84 from East Hartford to Hartford, CT: Construction of HOV lanes into Hartford, CT.

The projects studied are all identified as long lasting. The actual lifetime of these benefits, however, is uncertain. In addition to air quality improvements associated with these projects, they also help to ease congestion.

Project Lifetime: Lifetimes for the projects reviewed range from 10 to 20 years. These estimates are derived from standard transportation planning/engineering assumptions about the lifetime of traffic flow improvements and highway facilities.

Project Costs: Annualized traffic flow project costs in the study range from $31,979 for an arterial signal interconnect project in Illinois; to $1,435,894 for extension of HOV lanes in Hartford, Connecticut. The non-CMAQ share of project funding for each project reviewed ranges from 20 to 25 percent of total costs.

Project Emissions Reductions: Annual VOC emission reductions associated with each project range from 3 tons to 3,000 tons. Annual NOx emission reductions associated with each project range from 0.25 tons to 1,000 tons. Appendix B contains detailed descriptions of the methodologies used to estimate emissions reductions.

Other Benefits: In addition to providing air quality benefits, traffic flow projects also help reduce congestion and save energy. To the extent that they help improve vehicle traffic flow, they also relieve pressure for highway capacity enhancements.

Lessons learned from Review of Emissions Methodologies:

  • Methodologies for developing approximate estimates are complex and do not take account of induced travel.
  • Improved estimates of project lifetimes are needed to accurately annualize the costs associated with annual emissions reductions

Table Four: Traffic Flow Projects

Project Name Annual Project Cost17 Annual Emissions Reduction
(Tons and Year)18
Arterial Street Signal Interconnect,
Philadelphia, PA

Project Life: 10 years
CMAQ:          $171,227
Non CMAQ:   $42,807
Total:             $214,033
VOC: 19.00 (1994)
NOx: 2.09 (1994)
Signal Systemization Project
along MD 2, MD

Project Life: 12 years
CMAQ          $5,036
Non-CMAQ   $1,259
Total             $6,295
VOC: 2.92 (2005)
Incident Management Program/ATMS, GA19

Project Life: 10 years20
CMAQ          $673,047
Non-CMAQ   $168,262
Total             $841,309
VOC: 165.00 (2010)
NOx: 158.00 (2010)
Signal Interconnection Project:
Pulaski Rd from Stevenson Expy
to 87th St, IL

Project Lifetime: 20 years
CMAQ          $25,558
Non-CMAQ   $6,421
Total             $31,979
VOC: 7.60 (Average
over life of project)21
Extension of HOV Lanes on Interstate 84
from East Hartford to Hartford, CT

Project Life: 20 years22
CMAQ          $1,028,883
Non-CMAQ   $387,001
Operating      $20,00023
Total             $1,435,894
VOC 3.3
NOx 1.1

National median emissions reduction:24

VOC 1.65 tons
NOx 0.55 tons

Transit Projects

Seven CMAQ-funded transit projects were reviewed in this analysis. Findings are summarized in Table Five. Projects analyzed include:

  • Lake Cook Shuttle Bug, IL: An employer-sponsored transit shuttle service operated between a commuter rail stop and a business park in Chicago's suburbs.
  • Houston Clean Air Action Program/Transit Subsidy, TX: A reduced transit fare program targeted to August when ozone readings are typically highest.
  • Light Rail Vehicles, MD: New light rail vehicles for the Baltimore light rail system.
  • University City/30th Street Circulator, PA: A circulating shuttle providing improved access to a hospital in Philadelphia.
  • Commuter Rail Coaches, MD: New, higher capacity, coaches for Maryland's commuter rail service in Washington/Baltimore region.
  • MARTA Intelligent Transportation System: Use of ITS technology to improve transit service in Atlanta.
  • MARTA Transit Incentives: An Atlanta employer-based program through which employees are offered reduced-cost transit cards.

As with shared ride CMAQ projects, there is a contrast between transit projects that fund infrastructure improvements, like purchase of transit equipment, that generate long-term benefits, and projects that fund annual operating costs, like leasing of transit vehicles, and which require annual funding to maintain benefits.

Project Lifetime: Lifetimes for the projects studied range from 1 to 30 years. These estimates are derived from standard transportation planning/engineering assumptions about the typical lifetime of transit improvements and highway facilities.

Project Costs: Annualized transit project costs reviewed in the study range from $31,551 for transit-related ITS to $7,236,659 for new commuter rail vehicles. The non-CMAQ share of project funding ranges from 20 to 96 percent of total costs.

Project Emissions Reductions: Annual VOC emission reductions associated with each project range from 1.1 tons to 29.35 tons. Annual NOx emission reductions associated with each project range from 0.8 tons to 93.2 tons. Appendix B contains detailed descriptions of the methodologies used to estimate emissions reductions.

Other Benefits: In addition to providing air quality benefits, transit projects also help reduce congestion and save energy. To the extent that they help improve vehicle traffic volume, they also relieve pressure for highway capacity enhancements. Transit projects can also help to enhance community quality of life by providing transportation choices and enhancing mobility for those without access to a vehicle.

Lessons learned from Review of Emissions Methodologies:

  • Methodologies for developing emission reduction estimates for transit projects are usually straightforward.
  • Improved estimates of transit project lifetimes are needed to accurately annualize the costs associated with annual emissions reductions.

Table Five: Transit Projects

Project Name Annual Project Cost25 Annual Emissions Reduction
(Tons and Years)26
Lake Cook Shuttle Bug, IL
Project Life: 1 year
CMAQ          $312,000
Non-CMAQ   $78,000
Total             $390,000
VOC: 6.43 (1998)
Houston Clean Air Action Program/Transit Subsidy, TX
Project Life: 2 years
CMAQ         $2,625,000
Non-CMAQ   $875,000
Total            $3,500,000
VOC: 29.35 (1996)
NOx: 34.75 (1996)
Light Rail Vehicles, MD
Project Life: 30 years
CMAQ         $2,159,716
Non-CMAQ  $2,804,407
Operating     $2,000,00027
Total            $6,964,122
VOC: 6.19 (1998)
NOx: 20.84 (1998)
University City/30th Street Circulator, PA
Project Life: 1 year
CMAQ          $272,000
Non-CMAQ   $68,000
Total:            $340,000
VOC: 1.1 (1994)
NOx: 0.8 (1994)
Commuter Rail Coaches, MD
Project Life: 30 years
CMAQ          $290,111
Non-CMAQ  $6,946,548
Total            $7,236,65928
VOC: 27.78 (1998)
NOx: 93.20 (1998)
MARTA Intelligent Transportation System
Project Life: 10 years29
CMAQ          NA
Total             $31,551
VOC: 2 (1999)
NOx: 2.25 (1999)
MARTA Transit Incentives
Project Life: 1 year
CMAQ          $300,000
Non-CMAQ   $75,000
Total             $375,000
VOC 16.5 (1999)
NOx 16.75 (1999)

National median:30

VOC 1.37 tons
NOx 1.92 tons

Transportation Demand Management Projects

Three CMAQ-funded Transportation Demand Management (TDM) projects were reviewed in this analysis. Findings are summarized in Table Six. Projects analyzed include:

  • Long Island TDM Program, New York: A TDM grant program.
  • IEPA Public Education & Outreach: A multi-media public outreach campaign to educate the public about ozone and transportation
  • Atlanta Region Transportation Management Associations, GA: Seed funding for establishment of TMAs in the Atlanta region.

Project Lifetime: Lifetimes for the projects studied range from 2 to 12 years. These estimates are derived from general assumptions about the plausible lifetime for non-traditional TDM improvements.

Project Costs: Annualized TDM project costs in the study range from $293,000 to $450,000. The non-CMAQ share of project funding ranges from 20 to 33 percent of total costs.

Project Emissions Reductions: Annual VOC emission reductions associated with each project range from 4.48 tons to 25.56 tons. Annual NOx emission reductions associated with each project range from 6.94 tons to 26.5 tons. Appendix B contains detailed descriptions of the methodologies used to estimate emissions reductions.

Other Benefits: In addition to providing air quality benefits, TDM projects also help reduce congestion and save energy. To the extent that they help improve vehicle traffic volume, they also relieve pressure for highway capacity enhancements.

Lessons learned from Review of Emissions Methodologies:

  • Methodologies for developing approximate estimates are usually straightforward.
  • Improved estimates of project lifetimes are needed to accurately annualize the costs associated with annual emissions reductions.

Table Six: Transportation Demand Management Projects

Project Name Annual Project Cost31 Annual Emissions Reduction
(Tons and Years)32
Long Island TDM Program, New York
Project Life: 5 years
CMAQ          $300,000
Non-CMAQ   $150,000
Total            $450,000
VOC 4.48 (average)
NOx 6.94 (average)
CO 35.39 (average)
IEPA Public Education & Outreach
Project Life: 2 years
CMAQ          $234,400
Non CMAQ   $58,600
Total            $293,000
VOC 25.56 (1998)
Atlanta Region Transportation Management Associations, GA
Project Life: 12 years33
CMAQ          NA
Total            $298,690
VOC 26.25 (2005)
NOx 26.50 (2005)

National median emissions reduction:34

VOC 7.15 tons
NOx 12.65 tons

Other Projects

Two CMAQ-funded "Other" category projects were reviewed in this analysis. Both projects are alternative fuels-related. Results are summarized in Table Seven:

  • Fairfax County Alternative Fuel Vehicles Program, VA: Support for a revolving loan program to encourage adoption of alternative fueled government fleets.
  • Alternative Fuels Refueling Station, GA: Alternative fuel station located at the site of a future multi-use transfer center.

Project Lifetime: Project lifetimes for projects in this category varied from 5 to 20 years.

Project Costs: Annualized "other" category project costs reviewed vary from $23,598 to $128,140 per project.

Project Emissions Reductions: Annual VOC emissions reductions associated with each project range from 0.02 tons per year to 2.75 tons per year. Annual NOx emissions reductions associated with each project range from 0.02 to 2.0 tons per year.

Other Benefits: NA ("Other" category projects can generate a broad of benefits, depending on the type of project.)

Lessons learned from Review of Emissions Methodologies:

  • "Other" category projects may have varied emissions estimate methodologies.

Table Seven: Other Projects

Project Name Annual Project Cost35 Annual Emissions Reduction
(Tons and Years)36
Fairfax County Alternative Fuel Vehicles Program, VA
Project Life: 5 years37
CMAQ          NA
Total            $128,140
VOC 0.02 (2000)
NOx 0.02 (2000)
Alternative Fuels Refueling Station, GA
Project Life: 20 years38
CMAQ          $18,879
Non-CMAQ   $4,720
Total            $23,598
VOC 2.75 (2005)
NOx 2.00 (2005)

National median:39

VOC 1.10 tons
NOx 0.55 tons


1 As summarized in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, A Summary of Sixth-Year Activities (FY 1997), FHWA, March 1997 (and previous annual versions)

2 A Preliminary Assessment of the CMAQ Program's Contribution towards Meeting Ozone Standards, Apogee Research, Inc. 1997 et al.

3 Inspection and Maintenance projects are not included in this study, as programs are a requirement of the Clean Air Act.

4 As summarized in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, A Summary of Sixth-Year Activities (FY 1997), FHWA, March 1997 (and previous annual versions)

5 As reported in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, A Summary of Sixth-Year Activities (FY 1997), FHWA, March 1997

6 Multi-year project costs annualized using 7% discount rate.

7 Emissions estimates presented as reported, therefore not all projects have estimates for VOC, NOx, CO and PM10

8 Lifetime estimate calculated based on project description provided by project contact.

9 Based on most recent 12 month calendar time period for which estimates available.

10 Based on most recent 12 month calendar time period for which estimates available.

11 National median taken from "CMAQ, A Summary of Sixth Year Activities (FY 1997)," FHWA, 1999. (Note: All data converted from kg/day to tons/yr, using assumption that projects are effective for 250 days per year)

12 Multi-year project costs annualized using 7% discount rate.

13 Emissions estimates presented as reported, therefore not all projects have estimates for VOC, NOx, CO and PM10

14 Project life estimate based on assumed lifetime of capital improvements described in IL bicycle project.

15 Emissions reduction was estimated on yearly basis for lifetime of project.

16 National median taken from "CMAQ, A Summary of Sixth Year Activities (FY 1997)," FHWA, 1999. (Note: All data converted from kg/day to tons/yr, using assumption that projects are effective for 250 days per year)

17 Multi-year project costs annualized using 7% discount rate.

18 Emissions estimates presented as reported, therefore not all projects have estimates for VOC, NOx, CO and PM10

19 Additional capital and operating costs are acknowledged to be associated with the emissions reduction attributed to this project, however, estimation of these costs was beyond the scope of study.

20 Project lifetime based on estimate of typical lifetime for ITS equipment

21 Emissions reduction was estimated on yearly basis for lifetime of project.

22 Project lifetime based on consultation with state DOT highway staff

23 Annual operating costs based on Hagler Bailly work for Houston-Galveston MPO (assumes $8-10,000/lane mile)

24 National median taken from "CMAQ, A Summary of Sixth Year Activities (FY 1997)," FHWA, 1999. (Note: All data converted from kg/day to tons/yr, using assumption that projects are effective for 250 days per year)

25 Multi-year project costs annualized using 7% discount rate.

26 Emissions estimates presented as reported, therefore not all projects have estimates for VOC, NOx, CO and PM10

27 Operating costs based on National Transit Database information.

28 Operating costs assumed to remain unchanged because new (larger) cars replace existing cars.

29 Project lifetime based on estimate of typical lifetime for ITS equipment.

30 National median taken from "CMAQ, A Summary of Sixth Year Activities (FY 1997)," FHWA, 1999. (Note: All data converted from kg/day to tons/yr, using assumption that projects are effective for 250 days per year)

31 Multi-year project costs annualized using 7% discount rate.

32 Emissions estimates presented as reported, therefore not all projects have estimates for VOC, NOx, CO and PM10

33 Project lifetime estimated based on project description information

34 National median taken from "CMAQ, A Summary of Sixth Year Activities (FY 1997)," FHWA, 1999. (Note: All data converted from kg/day to tons/yr, using assumption that projects are effective for 250 days per year)

35 Multi-year project costs annualized using 7% discount rate.

36 Emissions estimates presented as reported, therefore not all projects have estimates for VOC, NOx, CO and PM10

37 Project lifetime assumed based on anticipated life of average fleet vehicle.

38 Project lifetime assumed.

39 National median taken from "CMAQ, A Summary of Sixth Year Activities (FY 1997)," FHWA, 1999. (Note: All data converted from kg/day to tons/yr, using assumption that projects are effective for 250 days per year)

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