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Major General Tod Bunting

Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Major General Tod Bunting
Kansas Adjutant General
Phone: (785) 274-1911


Current Disaster Information

IMT Application Form & Instructions

Severe Weather Awareness Week

*NEW* Kansas Mutual Aid Reimbursement Policy

Kansas Virtual Emergency Operations Center

Current National & State Threat Level Status

Current State and Federal threat levels Severe Threat Level: Severe Risk of Terrorist Attacks High Threat Level: High Risk of Terrorist Attacks Elevated Threat Level: Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks Guarded Threat Level: General Risk of Terrorist Attacks Low Threat Level: General Risk of Terrorist Attacks An Elevated Condition reflects a significant risk of terrorist attacks. A heightened sense of personal awareness is recommended. In addition to the protective measures taken in the lower threat conditions, federal and state departments and agencies are likely to implement the following protective measures:

  • Increasing surveillance of critical locations;
  • Coordinating emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions;
  • Assessing whether the precise characteristics of the threat require the further refinement of preplanned protective measures; and
  • Implementing, as appropriate, contingency and emergency response plans.
  • Severe, High, Elevated, Guarded, Low
Copyright © 2005, Kansas Division of Emergency Management | Policies and Statements
2800 SW Topeka Blvd. - Topeka, KS 66611-1287 | Phone: (785) 274-1409 | Feedback