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Class Size Reduction Program Legislation

FY 2001 Class Size Reduction Program (as authorized under PL 106-554)

SEC. 306. (a) From the amount appropriated for title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in accordance with this section, the Secretary of Education--

    (1) shall make available a total of $6,000,000 to the Secretary of the Interior (on behalf of the Bureau of Indian Affairs) and the outlying areas for activities under this section; and

    (2) shall allocate the remainder by providing each State the same percentage of that remainder as it received of the funds allocated to States under section 307(a)(2) of the Department of Education Appropriations Act, 1999.


    (1) Each State that receives funds under this section shall distribute 100 percent of such funds to local educational agencies, of which--

      (A) 80 percent of such amount shall be allocated to such local educational agencies in proportion to the number of children, aged 5 to 17, who reside in the school district served by such local educational agency from families with incomes below the poverty line (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with section 673(2) of the Community Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9902(2))) applicable to a family of the size involved for the most recent fiscal year for which satisfactory data are available compared to the number of such individuals who reside in the school districts served by all the local educational agencies in the State for that fiscal year; and

      (B) 20 percent of such amount shall be allocated to such local educational agencies in accordance with the relative enrollments of children, aged 5 to 17, in public and private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools within the boundaries of such agencies.

    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if the award to a local educational agency under this section is less than the starting salary for a new fully qualified teacher in that agency, who is certified within the State (which may include certification through State or local alternative routes), has a baccalaureate degree, and demonstrates the general knowledge, teaching skills, and subject matter knowledge required to teach in his or her content areas, that agency may use funds under this section to

      (A) help pay the salary of a full- or part-time teacher hired to reduce class size, which may be in combination with other Federal, State, or local funds; or

      (B) pay for activities described in subsection (c)(2)(A)(iii) which may be related to teaching in smaller classes.


    (1) The basic purpose and intent of this section is to reduce class size with fully qualified teachers. Each local educational agency that receives funds under this section shall use such funds to carry out effective approaches to reducing class size with fully qualified teachers who are certified within the State, including teachers certified through State or local alternative routes, and who demonstrate competency in the areas in which they teach, to improve educational achievement for both regular and special needs children, with particular consideration given to reducing class size in the early elementary grades for which some research has shown class size reduction is most effective.

      (A) Each such local educational agency may use funds under this section for--

        (i) recruiting (including through the use of signing bonuses, and other financial incentives), hiring, and training fully qualified regular and special education teachers (which may include hiring special education teachers to team-teach with regular teachers in classrooms that contain both children with disabilities and non-disabled children) and teachers of special-needs children who are certified within the State, including teachers certified through State or local alternative routes, have a baccalaureate degree and demonstrate the general knowledge, teaching skills, and subject matter knowledge required to teach in their content areas;

        (ii) testing new teachers for academic content knowledge and to meet State certification requirements that are consistent with title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965; and

        (iii) providing professional development (which may include such activities as those described in section 2210 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, opportunities for teachers to attend multi-week institutes, such as those made available during the summer months that provide intensive professional development in partnership with local educational agencies and initiatives that promote retention and mentoring), to teachers, including special education teachers and teachers of special-needs children, in order to meet the goal of ensuring that all instructional staff have the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills necessary to teach effectively in the content area or areas in which they provide instruction, consistent with title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965.


        (i) Except as provided under clause (ii), a local educational agency may use not more than a total of 25 percent of the award received under this section for activities described in clauses (ii) and (iii) of subparagraph (A).

        (ii) A local educational agency in which 10 percent or more of teachers in elementary schools, as defined by section 14101(14) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, have not met applicable State and local certification requirements (including certification through State or local alternative routes), or if such requirements have been waived, may use more than 25 percent of the funds it receives under this section for activities described in subparagraph (A)(iii) to help teachers who are not certified by the State become certified, including through State or local alternative routes, or to help teachers affected by class size reduction who lack sufficient content knowledge to teach effectively in the areas they teach to obtain that knowledge, if the local educational agency notifies the State educational agency of the percentage of the funds that it will use for the purpose described in this clause.

      (C) A local educational agency that has already reduced class size in the early grades to 18 or less children (or has already reduced class size to a State or local class size reduction goal that was in effect on the day before the enactment of the Department of Education Appropriations Act, 2000, if that State or local educational agency goal is 20 or fewer children) may use funds received under this section--

        (i) to make further class size reductions in grades kindergarten through 3;

        (ii) to reduce class size in other grades; or

        (iii) to carry out activities to improve teacher quality including professional development.

      (D) If a local educational agency has already reduced class size in the early grades to 18 or fewer children and intends to use funds provided under this section to carry out professional development activities, including activities to improve teacher quality, then the State shall make the award under subsection (b) to the local educational agency.

    (3) Each such agency shall use funds under this section only to supplement, and not to supplant, State and local funds that, in the absence of such funds, would otherwise be spent for activities under this section.

    (4) No funds made available under this section may be used to increase the salaries or provide benefits, other than participation in professional development and enrichment programs, to teachers who are not hired under this section. Funds under this section may be used to pay the salary of teachers hired under section 307 of the Department of Education Appropriations Act, 1999, or under section 310 of the Department of Education Appropriations Act, 2000.


    (1) Each State receiving funds under this section shall report on activities in the State under this section, consistent with section 6202(a)(2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

    (2) Each State and local educational agency receiving funds under this section shall publicly report to parents on its progress in reducing class size, increasing the percentage of classes in core academic areas taught by fully qualified teachers who are certified within the State and demonstrate competency in the content areas in which they teach, and on the impact that hiring additional highly qualified teachers and reducing class size, has had, if any, on increasing student academic achievement.

    (3) Each school receiving funds under this section shall provide to parents, upon request, the professional qualifications of their child's teacher.

(e) If a local educational agency uses funds made available under this section for professional development activities, the agency shall ensure for the equitable participation of private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools in such activities. Section 6402 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 shall not apply to other activities under this section.

(f) A local educational agency that receives funds under this section may use not more than 3 percent of such funds for local administrative costs.

(g) Each local educational agency that desires to receive funds under this section shall include in the application required under section 6303 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 a description of the agency's program to reduce class size by hiring additional highly qualified teachers.

(h) No funds under this section may be used to pay the salary of any teacher hired with funds under section 307 of the Department of Education Appropriations Act, 1999, unless, by the start of the 2001-2002 school year, the teacher is certified within the State (which may include certification through State or local alternative routes) and demonstrates competency in the subject areas in which he or she teaches.

(i) Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall provide specific notification to each local educational agency eligible to receive funds under this part regarding the flexibility provided under subsection (c)(2)(B)(ii) and the ability to use such funds to carry out activities described in subsection (c)(2)(A)(iii).

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This page last modified—April 7, 2003 (edg).

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