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Francis O. Wilcox
Chief of Staff, Senate Foriegn Relations Committee

When the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 authorized the first professional staffs of Senate committees, Senators Arthur Vandenberg and Tom Connally jointly appointed Francis Wilcox to become the first chief of staff of the Foreign Relations Committee. His service corresponded with the beginning of the Cold War and the zenith of bipartisan foreign policy. During those years the committee dealt with such momentous issues as the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and formation of NATO. Wilcox devotes much of his oral history to discussing the forces and personalities that both facilitated bipartisanship and eventually unraveled it.

Table of Contents:
1) At the Legislative Reference Service
2) Building Bipartisanship
3) Congress and the Cold War
4) Assistant Secretary of State
5) Breakdown of Bipartisanship
Photo of Francis O. Wilcox
Citation: Scholarly citation: "Francis O. Wilcox, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1947-1955," Oral History Interviews, Senate Historical Office, Washington, D.C.
Deed of Gift: I, Francis 0. Wilcox, do hereby give to the Senate Historical Office the tape recordings and transcripts of my interviews on February 1, February 10, March 21, April 13, and June 13, 1984. I authorize the Senate Historical Office to use the tapes and transcripts in such manner as may best serve the educational and historical objectives of their oral history program. I also approve the deposit of the transcripts at the Library of Congress, the Senate Library, the National Archives, and any other institution which the Senate Historical Office may deem appropriate. In making this gift, I voluntarily convey ownership of the tapes and transcripts to the public domain. Francis O. Wilcox died on February 20, 1985. His wife, Virginia Wilcox, signed a deed of gift on his behalf, which is deposited with the Senate Historical Office. The interview is open for research, and my be photocopied. Accepted on behalf of the Senate Historical Office by: Richard A. Baker May 2, 1985

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