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Contemporary Topic
Understanding Intelligence Surveillance: A FISA Primer

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

For those interested in learning more about FISA and the FISC, the following are some resources:

Electronic Surveillance: From the Cold War to Al-Qaeda. The National Security Archive. (Posted: February 4, 2006).

See specifically:

Document 23: Department of Justice, In Re [deleted] on Appeal from the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, Brief for the United States, No. 02-001, August 21, 2002. (Classification Not Available).

Document 25: United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, In re: Sealed Case No. 02-001, Consolidated with 02-002, November 18, 2002. (Classification Not Available).

Document 30: Elizabeth B. Bazan, Congressional Research Service, The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: An Overview of the Statutory Framework and Recent Judicial Decisions, April 21, 2005. (Unclassified).

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Facts (2006).
