September 19, 2008

Welcome to My Website

It is an honor to serve you in the United States Senate.  As I have said at the over 400 town hall meetings that I have hosted across the State of Oregon, I am always looking for ways to serve my constituents better. It is my hope that this website will help me do just that by making my office more accessible to you and your family.

For example, you can learn about the legislation that I have introduced during the most recent session of congress, access my complete voting record to see how I have voted on a bill, amendment or resolution or visit my Senate Resources page to learn more about Senate rules and procedure.  My Kids Resources section even offers a comprehensive directory of the federal government's educational websites designed for young people.

In the issues section you can learn where I stand on many of today's important issues. Use the form at the bottom of each page to tell me your thoughts and concerns with my position and if you do not see an issue that you would like more information about, contact me let me know.

In my newsroom you can not only find the latest on my work in Congress, you can find press releases, speeches, photos, videos, and audio files dating back as far as the 107th Congress.   

Are you having trouble with a federal agency?
My constituent services section tries to answer many of the most frequently asked questions, while providing more information on how to:

Interested in visiting Oregon?
The Visit Oregon section outlines many of the state's best attractions, while the Working for Oregon section includes details on some of the work I have done throughout the state as well as information on upcoming local events and town hall meetings.

If you do not find the answer you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact me through my website or through one of my seven offices, which are located in: Washington, D.C.; Portland; Salem; Eugene; Medford; Bend; and La Grande. And don't forget to sign up for my e-newsletter for updates on important issues before Congress.

Again thank you for visiting my online office.  I hope that you find it helpful.  I look forward to being in touch with you soon.


Ron Wyden
Ron Wyden
United States Senator