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Lincoln Earns 'A+' For Her Support Of Older Americans

Contact: Katie Laning (202)224-4843


Washington – U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln has received an “A+” from the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) for her voting record supporting legislation aimed at ensuring the nation’s rapidly growing population of older adults has access to quality health care.


“I am honored to receive this recognition because of the spotlight it shines on a very important group – our nation’s seniors,” said Lincoln. “These Americans have devoted their lives to serving their families and communities. I’m happy to be able to do the same for them now by fighting for their best interests.”


Lincoln has long been a champion for older Americans. Last year, she introduced the Geriatric Assessment and Chronic Care Coordination Act (GACCCA), which would fill a major gap in Medicare by covering comprehensive geriatric assessments and health care coordination for beneficiaries with multiple chronic illnesses. In addition, Lincoln has introduced legislation aimed at protecting seniors from abuse, neglect and exploitation and has fought year after year for adequate funding of Older Americans Act programs including supportive services and centers, congregate and home-delivered meal programs, and the National Family Caregiver Support Program.


Lincoln is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over Medicare, Social Security, and long-term care financing.  She also proudly serves on the Senate Special Committee on Aging and has led initiatives to improve access to and the quality of long-term care. Lincoln supported the Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, signed into law in June, which made numerous improvements to the Medicare program and included her bills to require Medicare to cover the following:

·         cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation.

·         education services for beneficiaries with chronic kidney disease aimed at keeping them healthy and off dialysis for as long as possible.

·         rehabilitative therapy for certain seniors who need therapies even after their costs have exceeded the Medicare therapy cap.

·         a critical technical component of pathology services.


Only eight other members of Congress received an “A+” ranking from AGS.


For more information, visit www.americangeriatrics.org.

