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Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office
Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office
Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office Welcome to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski's Virtual Office
Inauguration 2009

U.S. Senator Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States on January 20, 2009.  The ceremony will be held outdoors on the west side of the U.S. Capitol, and Members of Congress will receive a limited number of free tickets for the U.S. Capitol Grounds and a portion of the National Mall.  The remainder of the Mall will be open to the public to attend without tickets.

If you are a Maryland resident and would like to be added to the list for tickets, please click here.  A lottery system will be used to disperse up to two tickets per household.  You should know, my office has already received more requests than the number of tickets we anticipate receiving.

Please visit the website of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies for more information at

                                                                                                                                                    Senator Barbara Mikulski

Issue Spotlight

Mental Health Parity Bill Signed Into Law

Bill is long-overdue victory for millions of Americans

On Friday, October 3rd, the President signed into law legislation that will fundamentally change how tens of millions of Americans with mental illness are treated and cared for.  The legislation requires private insurance plans offering mental health benefits to meet the same coverage requirements as medical and surgical benefits.  This will mean improved mental health coverage for an estimated 113 million Americans, including more than 2.7 million Marylanders.

As a senior member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Senator Mikulski has fought for passage of this bill for more than a decade.

“Ten years ago, my good friend and colleague Senator Edward M. Kennedy began the hard work of reforming an outdated health care system that senselessly treated mental health illnesses differently from physical illnesses.  The Mental Health Parity Act of 2008 is the culmination of those years’ work, and enactment of this landmark bill into law is a long-overdue victory for millions of Americans and their families living with mental illness,” said Senator Mikulski. “No longer will mental health be treated as the step child of the health care system. No longer will people living with mental illness be denied the same coverage they need and care they deserve as those suffering from physical illnesses.  This legislation addresses a compelling human need, and I am proud to have fought for its passage.”

To learn more about this legislation, go to: Summary of "The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008".

Recent News
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