Tester asks employers to support Montana National Guard  

Senator pledges his own support during ceremony 

Thursday, October 30, 2008  

(FORT HARRISON, Mont.) – Senator Jon Tester today called on all employers of Montana National Guardsmen and women to join him in publicly supporting the nation’s citizen warriors.

Tester, with Montana National Guard Adjutant General John Walsh, signed an “Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve” pledge at Fort Harrison this morning.  The document confirms Tester’s support and understanding of National Guard troops and their duties.

“Montanans who serve in our National Guard make enormous sacrifices to defend our country and to do what’s right,” Tester said.  “They stand ready to leave their families, friends, careers and communities to go wherever they’re needed.  I’m proud to stand with so many Montana businesses that have done the right thing to support Montana Guardsmen and reservists when duty calls.”

Tester added that his Helena-based Veterans’ Liaison, Matthew McCombs, is a member of the Montana National Guard.

Adjutant General Walsh said Tester’s name will now be added to a national list of lawmakers and employers who have publicly pledged support for National Guard troops and reservists.

“We appreciate Senator Tester’s leadership, support and commitment to all men and women in uniform,” Adjutant General Walsh said.  “Senator Tester understands the responsibilities of those who serve in the Montana National Guard, and he is a strong advocate for Guard and Reserve members, veterans and their families.”

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Defense.  Its mission is to increase awareness of laws regarding active duty guardsmen and reservists and to resolve employee/employer conflicts through mediation.

Tester is a member of the U.S. Senate’s National Guard Caucus.  He also serves on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

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