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United States Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan

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Senator Debbie Stabenow Welcome to my online office. I hope this site is helpful to you in learning about my Senate activities and services. You can use the bar to the left to navigate through this web site. You can contact one of my offices directly, either in Michigan or in Washington DC, if you need any further information or help.
- Debbie Stabenow  

Stabenow Statement on Current Financial Crisis

Hard-working families in Michigan are in crisis every single day and the bill passed by the Senate tonight does little to help them. There’s no question that our financial markets are in distress – but the solution is to make sure people have jobs and families can afford to stay in their homes.  
What I find deeply concerning is that we are not here by accident. We are in this credit crisis because of a failed philosophy and a failed set of priorities that have rewarded greed.   While it’s true that today’s economic crisis must be addressed, we can and must do more to ensure that Michigan families receive the help they need to stay in their homes and keep their jobs.  

I opposed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 because it is fundamentally the wrong approach to fixing our economy. We need to start from the root of the problem - helping families stay in their homes and keep their jobs. While I’m glad it included alternative energy provisions that I championed as a member of the Senate Finance Committee, it did not do enough for the people of Michigan, and so I could not, in good conscience, support this bill. I will continue my work in the Senate to ensure that we remain focused on legislation that creates jobs and puts American families first.


Auto Retooling Program will Help Keep Jobs in Michigan
The final continuing resolution on the budget included $25 billion in low-interest loans to automobile manufacturers for retooling older factories. The Advanced Technology Vehicle Incentives program, authored by Senator Stabenow, will allow automakers to produce the next generation of vehicles here at home. This provision is designed to revitalize the economy and comes at a time when Michigan’s unemployment rate leads the nation at 8.9%. Read More...

Senate Passes Housing Bill
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow announced that the House and Senate passed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. The act offers urgent assistance to families and communities devastated by the housing crisis throughout Michigan, which currently ranks 5th nationally in the number of foreclosures. The bill also includes a provision encouraging American manufacturers to invest in the economy, thereby creating jobs here at home. Read more...

21st Century GI Bill Signed into Law
The 21st Century GI Bill, which Senator Stabenow cosponsored in the Senate, passed and was signed into law on June 30. This bill will help our new veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to transition back to civilian life, just as veterans of past wars were able to. To find out more about the specifics, visit http://www.gibill.va.gov/.

Stabenow Unveils Democratic Energy Plan to Reduce Pain at the Pump
Recently Senator Stabenow, Chair of the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee, delivered the Democratic Radio Address unveiling the Democrats’ plan to lower oil and gas prices, which have reached new record highs. The Senator outlined an energy plan that invests in renewable energy and repeals billions of dollars in tax breaks for big oil.

Bipartisan Healthy Americans Act Would Provide Affordable Health Insurance Without Breaking the Bank
Health care should be a right not a privilege in the greatest country in the world, and it’s time to make that happen! In Michigan alone, consumer group Families USA estimates that a lack of health insurance costs nearly two lives per day. That’s why I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the Healthy Americans Act, which is the only truly bi-partisan, cost-effective proposal in Congress offering health insurance to all Americans. The goal of this critical legislation is to ensure that every American gets health insurance that is at least equal to the insurance offered to Members of Congress.

Rising health care prices are costing us jobs here in Michigan and throughout our country. Workers who are able to keep their jobs are facing pay cuts in order to keep health care coverage. One million people in Michigan are uninsured. It’s past time to change the way we provide health care in our country.

Fortunately, a report just released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation finds the Healthy Americans Act covers every American while being cost-neutral. In other words, the Healthy Americans Act provides every American access to safe, affordable health care without breaking the bank. Read more...

Senate Budget Includes Stabenow Green Collar Jobs Initiative
The Senate Budget Committee passed the Fiscal Year 2009 federal budget, which emphasises job creation and protecting the middle class. A major highlight of this budget is Senator Stabenow's $3.5 billion Green Jobs Initiative, which includes:

  • Energy efficiency and conservation
  • Advanced batteries
  • Retooling for old manufacturing plants
  • Biofuel production and access
  • Green Jobs training program

America Needs Fair Trade
We live in a global economy that continues to grow and expand. And over the last century, we have consistently proven that Michigan businesses and workers can successfully compete with anyone in the world when the playing field is level. Unfortunately, persistent unfair trade practices by other countries are costing us jobs every day. Read more...

Farm Bill Resource Center
The U.S. Senate passed the 2008 Food, Conservation, and Energy Act (H.R. 2419) by a veto-proof majority of 81-15, which includes funding for nutrition and food stamp programs, makes critical investments in alternative energy, protects Michigan lakes and waterways, and supports growers of specialty crops.

Helping Families Facing Foreclosure
The President signed into law U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow's mortgage tax bill. Senator Stabenow’s legislation changes current law that forces individuals to pay an income tax when they have had a part of their mortgage loan forgiven or have been forced to foreclose because of their inability to pay their mortgage.


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