Tom Carper | United States Senator for Delaware E-mail Senator Carper

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10/24/2008 Delaware Receives Primary Drought Disaster Designation
10/23/2008 Delaware Delegation Issues Statement on Chrysler's Announcement to Close Newark Assembly Plant One Year Early
10/14/2008 Sen. Carper Continues to Eliminate Government Spending
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Carper's Corner Oct. 30, 2008

As one of Delaware's leaders who has spent close to 30 years working to keep our Chrysler plant competative, I'm deeply disappointed by the company's decicion to close it's Newark plant.

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Every year, Congress passes 12 spending, or "appropriations," bills to fund the federal government and federal programs, such as homeland security, children's health and Amtrak.

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Today in the Senate

November 17, 2008:

The Senate will convene at 12:00 noon and proceed to a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Pro forma sessions of the Senate are scheduled leading up to November 17.



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The Homeland Security & Govermental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security
Read about Senator Carper's proposal to create the Delaware National Coastal Heritage Park