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Injury & Violence (including suicide)

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Guidelines: Slide Presentation

Slide Index

  1. School Health Guidelines to Prevent Unintentional Injuries and Violence
  2. MMWR Weekly Report
  3. Injuries Kill More Children and Adolescents Than All Diseases Combines
  4. The Injury Pyramid
  5. Adolescent Violence
  6. Suicide
  7. Percentage of US High School Students Involved in Violence-Related Behaviors, 2001
  8. Percentage of US High School Students Engaging in Unsafe Behaviors, 2001
  9. Injuries Occur Everywhere
  10. Why Focus on School?
  11. Injuries and Violence in the School Environment
  12. Injuries and Violence in School
  13. High School Students Who Felt too Unsafe to Go to School, U.S., 1993�01
  14. Violent Deaths Among School-Aged Children, 1994�99
  15. What are Schools Doing to Prevent Injuries and Violence?
  16. Percentage of Schools with Specific Safety Policies, by Level
  17. School Policies: Unintentional Injury
  18. School Policies: Unintentional Injury (continued)
  19. Percentage of Schools Requiring Unintentional Injury, Violence and Suicide Prevention Education, by School Level
  20. Health Education
  21. Percentage of Schools Teaching Skills Related to Violence and Suicide Prevention in at Least One Required Class or Course
  22. Percentage of Schools Teaching Topics Related to Unintentional Injury Prevention in at Least One Required Class or Course
  23. How Were the Guidelines Developed?
  24. Guidelines Development Process
  25. The Breadth of the Guidelines
  26. Coordinated School Health Programs
  27. Recommendations to Prevent Unintentional Injuries, Violence, and Suicide

1-Establish a Social Environment that Promotes Safety and Prevents Unintentional Injuries and Violence

  1. Ensure High Academic Standards
  2. Encourage Connection to School
  3. Develop, Implement, and Enforce Written Policies
  4. Establish a Social Environment that Promotes Safety and Prevents Unintentional Injuries and Violence
  5. Integrate Prevention of Unintentional Injuries and Violence

2-Provide a Safe Physical Environment to Prevent Unintentional Injuries and Violence

  1. Conduct Regular Safety and Hazard Assessments
  2. Maintain Structures, Equipment, and Grounds
  3. Actively Supervise All Student Activities
  4. Ensure that the School is Free From Weapons

3-Implement Health and Safety Education Curricula and Instruction

  1. Curricula and Instruction
  2. Use Active Learning Strategies and Interactive Teaching Methods
  3. Provide Adequate Staffing and Resources

4- Provide Safe Physical Education and Extracurricular Physical Activity Programs

  1. Promote Injury Prevention and Non-violence Through Physical Education and Sports Participation
  2. Develop, Teach, Implement, and Enforce Safety Rules
  3. Ensure that Spaces and Facilities Meet or Exceed Recommended Safety Standards
  4. Hire Trained Personal

5-Provide Health, Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services

  1. Coordinate and Establish
  2. Identify and Help Students Who Have Been Injured
  3. Assess the Extent to Which Injuries Occur
  4. Develop and Implement Emergency Plans

6-Establish Mechanisms for Responding to Crises, Disasters, and Injuries

  1. Establish a Written Response Plan (1)
  2. Establish a Written Response Plan (2)
  3. Prepare to Implement the Plan in a Crisis
  4. Have Short-term Responses and Services
  5. Have Long-term Responses and Services

7-Integrate School, Family, and Community Efforts to Prevent Unintentional Injuries and Violence

  1. Involve, Educate, and Coordinate

8-Provide Staff Development Opportunities that Promote Safety

  1. Ensure School Personnel Knowledge
  2. Teach all Personnel


  1. Target Audiences
  2. More Resources Will Follow
  3. Questions?
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This page last reviewed April 29, 2005

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adolescent and School Health