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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Community Development


Economic Development Incentives: Research Approaches and Current Views (633 KB PDF)
Economic development incentives remain a tool used by state and local policymakers to stimulate their economies, but good public policy in these efforts requires adequate disclosure and measurement of incentive packages. The author finds that enhanced incentive disclosures, greater access to local economic data, and stronger methodologies developed over the past 10 years now enables researchers to better assess the effectiveness of state and local development incentives.
The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Studies from Communities Across the U.S.
In 2006, the Community Affairs Offices of the Federal Reserve System partnered with the Brookings Institution to examine the issue of concentrated poverty.  The resulting report, The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Studies from Communities Across the U.S., profiles 16 high-poverty communities from across the country.  Through these case studies, the report contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of poor people living in poor communities, and the challenges and opportunities for bringing both into the economic mainstream.
Image of a home Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data
Data on home mortgage lending submitted annually by metropolitan-area lenders. The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), enacted by Congress in 1975 and implemented by the Federal Reserve Board's Regulation C, requires lending institutions to report public loan data.

Recent Consumer Affairs Letters

CA 08-12 / SR 08-9 Consolidated Supervision of Bank Holding Companies and the Combined U.S. Operations of Foreign Banking Organizations
CA 08-11 / SR 08-8 Compliance Risk Management Programs and Oversight at Large Banking Organizations with Complex Compliance Profiles
CA 08-10/SR 08-7 Interagency Examination Procedures for the Identity Theft Red Flags and Other Regulations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Last update: October 30, 2008