Table of contents for Americans 55 & older : a changing market / edited by Sharon Yntema.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Electronic data is machine generated. May be incomplete or contain other coding.


Chapter 1. Attitudes and Behavior
Older Americans Are Happiest
Life-Changing Events Are Common in the Lives of Older People
People Aged 55-or-Older Are Less Cynical
Oldest Americans Still Support Traditional Sex Roles
Many People Aged 55 or Older Are Satisfied with Their Finances
The Oldest Americans Do Not Desire Wealth
Many Older Workers Have Little Retirement Savings
Older People Are Wary of Federal Role in Health Care
Older Americans Disapprove of Homosexuality
Older Americans Are More Likely to Be Conservatives
Older Americans Are Deeply Religious
Older Americans Are the Biggest Consumers of Traditional Media
Few Older Americans Become Victims of Crime
Older Americans Enjoy an Active Social Life
Chapter 2. Education
Big Gains in Educational Attainment
The Oldest Men Are the Least Educated
Educated Women Will Reinvent Old Age
Older Blacks, Hispanics Are Much Less Educated Than Non-Hispanic Whites
Few Older Americans Are in School
Most Older Students Attend College Part-Time
Adult Education Is Increasingly Popular
Chapter 3. Health
Health of Older Americans Has Improved Greatly
Older Americans Have a Sweet Tooth
On an Average Day, Most Fiftysomethings Eat Out
Food Safety Is the Leading Concern
Most Older Women Take Vitamin or Mineral Supplements
Many Older Americans Are Overweight
Many Older Americans Are Physically Active
Most Older People Once Smoked

Confidence in Medicine Is Shaky
Many 55-to-64-Year-Olds Lack Health Insurance
Older Americans Spend Big on Health Care
Arthritis Is the Top Health Problem for the Oldest Americans
Acute Conditions Are Less Likely in Old Age
Chronic Health Conditions Emerge in Middle Age
Many Older Americans Have Disabilities
Older Americans See Physicians Most Frequently
Hospital Care Less Likely for Older Americans
Home Health Care Is Growing
Over 22 Million Americans Care for Older People
Most Older Americans Support Physician-Assisted Suicide
Heart Disease and Cancer Are the Biggest Killers
Life Expectancy at Older Ages Has Grown
Chapter 4. Housing
Older Americans Have Pushed Homeownership to Record Levels
Most Older Blacks and Hispanics Are Homeowners
Among Older Americans, Homeownership Is Highest in the South
Most Older Americans Live in Single-Family Homes
Piped Gas Is the Most Popular Heating Fuel
Amenities Are Many in the Homes of Older Americans
Most of the Elderly Are Satisfied with Home and Neighborhood
Many Older Americans Live near Open Space, Woodlands
Housing Costs Are Greater for Renters
Chapter 5. Income
Incomes of Older Householders Are at Record High
Many Older Householders Are Affluent
Non-Hispanic Whites Have Higher Incomes Than Blacks or Hispanics
Many Older Couples Are Affluent
Big Gains for Men and Women Aged 65 or Older
Among Workers, Older Men Command High Salaries
Incomes of Older Women Are Low
Education Boosts Earnings of Older Americans
Most Older Americans Receive Social Security
Poverty Rate Is below Average for Most Older Americans

Chapter 6. Labor Force
Fewer Older Men in the Labor Force
From Age 60 On, Most People Do Not Work
Labor Force Rates Differ by Race and Hispanic Origin
Few Older Couples Are Dual Earners
Few Working Americans Are Aged 55 or Older
Part-Time Work Appeals to Many
Among Men, Job Tenure Is Down
Many Older Americans Are Self-Employed
Many Older Workers Are Independent Contractors
Nearly 3 Million Older Americans Work at Home
Rapid Growth in Older Workers
Chapter 7. Living Arrangements
Married Couples Lose Ground with Age
Households of Older Americans Differ by Race and Hispanic Origin
Older Households Are Small
Many Older Americans Have Children at Home
Lifestyles of Men and Women Diverge in Old Age
Among Women Aged 65 or Older, Married Are in the Minority
Chapter 8. Population
Women Greatly Outnumber Men in Older Age
Rapid Growth in Store for Older Age Groups
Older Population Lacks Diversity
One in Ten Older Americans Is Foreign-Born
Few Immigrants in the Older Age Groups
In Most States, the Diversity of Older Americans Is below Average
Mobility Rate Is Low in Old Age
Chapter 9. Spending
Older Householders Are on a Spending Spree
Retirees Are Spending Much More
Spending of Householders Aged 55 to 64 Is above Average
Householders Aged 65 to 74 Can Be Big Spenders
Householders Aged 75 or Older Spend Less on Most Things

Chapter 10. Wealth
Net Worth Is Up for Older Americans
Financial Assets Peak among 55-to-74-Year-Olds
Nonfinandal Assets of Older Householders Rose in 1990s
Debts Increased for Older Americans during the 1990s
Appendix L A Note on 2000 Census Data
Appendix 2. For More Information


Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Aged United States Statistics