Table of contents for Statistical handbook on the world's children / Chandrika Kaul.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Electronic data is machine generated. May be incomplete or contain other coding.


Introduction  ix                                C. Health and Nutrition  223
List of Tables and Figures xii                       1. Central Government Expenditures for
List of Tables and Figures xiith,Cae                               22
Health Care 226
A. Demographics and Vital Statistics 1              2. Access to Safe Water 228
1. Child Population  3                          3. Access to Sanitation  231
2. Sex Ratio at Birth  28                       4. Hospital Beds  234
3. Population Growth Rates 32                   5. Health Care Professionals 235
4. Child Population Projections 36              6. Births Attended by Skilled Personnel 243
5. Youth Dependency Ratio  41                   7. Vaccination and Immunization  246
6. Infant Mortality Rate 43                     8. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements  274
7. Under-5 Mortality Rate  65                   9. Oral Rehydration Treatment (ORT) 277
8. Gender Difference in Mortality  77          10. Food Aid  281
9. Births to Adolescents  82                   11. Breast-fed Babies 282
10. Maternal Mortality  89                                . 
10. Materal Mortality  89 .D. Disease, Hunger and Malnutrition                  284
11. The Mothers' Index  93                       1. Causes of Death  287
1. Causes of Death  287
12. Life Expectancy  95
12. Lfe Expectancy  95                           2. Preventable Diseases 296
13. Healthy Life Expectancy  115                   Malaria  314
3. Malaria 314
B. Education   119                                  4. Childhood Cancer 315
1. Number of Schools  123                       5. Deaths from Preventable Injuries 315
2. Compulsory Education  126                    6. Deaths from Traffic Accidents  316
3. Entrance Age and Duration of Schooling       7. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies 317
by Level 129                                  8. Oral Disease Prevalence  322
4. Net Apparent Intake Rate  141                9. Low Birth Weight or Underweight 325
5. Enrollment Ratios  143                      10. Childhood Obesity  328
6. Age-Specific Enrollment Ratio  154          11. Hunger 329
7. Gender and Wealth  157                      12. Malnutrition  343
8. Types of Education  167
8. Types of Education  167       E. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
9. Class Size and Pupil-Teacher Ratio  177ed Immunoy 
10. Coefficient of Efficiency  184              1. B      g of t  E 
1. Beginning of the Epidemic  353
11. Students Repeating Grades 185.                 
11. Students Repeating Grades  185              2. Children Living with HIV/AIDS  354
12. Survival Ratios  187                        3 AIDS Deaths 364
13. Transition Rate  189
13. Transition Rate Exc189                      4. Teens and the AIDS Info Gap  371
14. School Life Expectancy  190                 5. AIDS Orphans  374
15. Facilities  191                             5. AIDS Orphans 374
15. Facilities  191
6. AIDS and Education  379
16. Public Spending on Education  194
17. Time Spent in Overall Instruction  206  F. Economics 380
18. Homework   207                              1. Gross Domestic and National Product per
19. Student Performance and Achievement 208       Capita  383
20. Literacy Rates 217                          2. Indebtedness  390
21. Illiteracy 220                              3. Official Development Assistance (ODA) 395

4. Spending for Basic Social Services 398     6. Commercial Sexual Exploitation  4b8
5. Human Poverty Index (HPI) 400              7. Violence Against Girls 471
6. International Poverty Line (IPL) 402       8. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 472
7. Child Poverty in the Industrial World 404  9. Refugee Children 473
8. Poverty and Household Composition  405    10. Children in the Military 482
9. Minimum Work Age 406                       11. Landmines 493
10. Children's Work Places 407             
Appendixes 496
11. Size of Child Labor Force 408
i. World Health Organization Regional and
12. Distribution of Child Labor 414              
Economic Groupings 496
13. Youth Unemployment 415
13. Youth Unemployment 415                  2. Declaration of the Rights of the Child 498
;. Family, Social Environment and Behavior 416    3. Convention on the Rights of the Child
1. Human Development Index (HDI) 419            (CRC) 499
2. The Child Risk Measure (CRM) 422           4. Signatories to the Convention on the Rights
3. Households 425                                of the Child (CRC) 509
4. Average Family Size 429                    5. UNICEF's Response to HIV/AIDS
5. Children Living Away from Parents 430        Epidemic   512
6. Foster Care and Foster Children 431        6. International Labour Organization C138
7. Institutional and State Care 432              Minimum Age Convention, 1973  513
8. Adoption  433                              7. C182 Worst Forms of Child Labour
9. Children of Divorce 435                       Convention, 1999 517
10. Working Mothers 436                        8. Declaration on Social and Legal Principles
11. Sexual Activity 437                          Relating to the Protection and Welfare of
12. Contraception 438                            Children, with Special Reference to Foster
13. Teenage Abortions 439                        Placement and Adoption Nationally and
14. Married Adolescents 439                      Internationally  520
15. Tobacco and Alcohol 445                    9. Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention
16. Food Habits 448                              on the Rights of the Child on Involvement
17. Dental Care 451                              of Children in Armed Conflict 522
18. Leisure Activities 451                    10. Optional Protocols to the Convention on the
19. Exercise 453                                 Rights of the Child on the Involvement of
Children in Armed Conflict and on the Sale
1. Irlme, Violene and War 454 4of Children, Child Prostitution and Child
1. Illegal Drug Use 457
2. Age of Criminal Responsibility 461             Pornography  525
3. Juvenile Crimes 462                     Acronyms 533
4. Juvenile Prisoners 465                  G 
Glossary  534
5. Homicide, Suicide and Firearm-Related
Deaths 468                              Index  538