Annual Report to Congress
Of the Office for Civil Rights
Fiscal Year 2006

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To ensure accountability and effectiveness in enforcing the civil rights laws, OCR monitors complaint and compliance review resolution agreements to ensure the commitments made by school districts, colleges, universities and other appropriate entities in those agreements are carried out. During FY 2006, OCR monitored a total of 1,037 cases. OCR also completed the monitoring of a number of resolution agreements and, after ensuring that all commitments had been fully implemented, closed 365 cases—315 complaints and 50 compliance reviews. The 315 complaints closed after monitoring involved diverse jurisdictions and issues, including: 48 Title VI race and-or national origin discrimination, 44 Title IX sex discrimination, 192 Section 504-ADA Title II disability discrimination, 28 multiple jurisdictions, and 3 retaliation. The 50 compliance reviews closed after monitoring involved jurisdictions and issues such as: 19 Title VI race and-or national origin discrimination, 24 Title IX sex discrimination, 2 Section 504-Title II disability discrimination, and 5 involving both Title VI and disability issues.

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Last Modified: 11/01/2007