FEMA Announces Final Extension of Hotel Program to Feb. 7

Houston, TX, December 19, 2005- Mike Lynch of the Houston Chronicle takes notes as workers Curtis Van Dusen, Vera Parker and Rose Stroman help with Morris Greene, a hotel housed evacuee. Workers are helping evacuees move from hotels into more permanent housing. Photo by Ed Edahl/FEMAAll Hurricane Katrina and Rita evacuees in the FEMA hotel/motel direct bill program will be subsidized by the federal program through Feb. 7 as they continue to make longer-term housing arrangements, consistent with the Court Order. FEMA also announced it will begin using a new authorization code process immediately to provide direct-bill hotel assistance beyond Feb. 7 to Hurricane Katrina and Rita evacuees on a case-by-case basis. (Read More)

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Last Modified: Monday, 18-Jun-2007 13:06:38 EDT