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Students and Educators: Graduate

About the LANL Graduate Student Program

Graduate Student Benefits

All payroll-related questions (including questions regarding vacation and taxes) should be directed to the Payroll Team at (505) 667-4594.

Student New Employee Orientations began every Monday. Additional presentations are held throughout the summer. Contact New Employees to attend.

Casual Students
You will not be eligible for vacation, sick leave, or holiday pay. Vacation and sick leave accrued previously will be carried on the record until termination. However, casual employees are eligible to participate in the Laboratory's tax-deferred 403(b) savings plan (on a percentage-of-pay basis). Casual employees are required to make contributions at a rate of 7.5% on a tax deferred basis into a qualified defined contribution plan and must pay a Medicare tax.

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Time and Effort
To receive payment, be sure to report actual hours to your group administrator weekly (at the end of the week). S/he will input these hours into the time and effort system to be approved for payment by the Group Leader. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to report your hours accurately and on time to ensure payment. Your active participation is important and expected by your mentor(s).

The Laboratory's normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Laboratory has recently adopted a new work schedule for all full-time employees. Over a two-week period, the regular work schedule for Laboratory employees referred to as a 9/80 schedule, will be either Schedule A or B as described in the Administrative Manual (LANL access only). Students must be in pay status one full pay period prior to choosing schedule A or B. An employee who requests to do so is permitted to work a 5 day, 40-hour schedule, referred to as a 5/40 schedule. Students should be on the same schedule as their mentors. UGS and HS Co-op students must be supervised at all times by their mentor.

Should something arise and you need to be away from your work site (sick, travel), please contact your mentor to let them know your expected length of absence. Depending on your appointment, you may have accrued sick or vacation time. Please be professional and responsible with regard to your attendance!

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Performance appraisals
Regular appraisals are to be completed by mentors for students who have worked more than 90 days during the review periods. Appraisals are done on your hire anniversary date. Summer students use the Student Feedback Tool.

Tuition/Travel Reimbursement
High School Cooperative students are not eligible for either type of reimbursement.

For LANL policy see Tuition Assistance (LANL access only) and Travel Regulations.

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Eligibility Requirements

  • Provide documentation of acceptance in a graduate program,
  • Enroll in and successfully complete a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester, and
  • Initially have and maintain a cumulative 3.0/4.0 GPA

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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