Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Space Instrumentation

Los Alamos has strong satellite and space-related programs, initially tied to the Nuclear Nonproliferation mission, with 40 years of work in space-based detection of nuclear detonations and understanding other signals received by the Laboratory's space-based sensors.

A few space-related facts about Los Alamos work:

  • Los Alamos traces its heritage in space to the Vela program, which used spaced-based nuclear detonation sensors to verify the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty. That mission continues today, having successfully launched more than 70 instruments supporting this program.
  • Los Alamos has done extensive work in potential nuclear propulsion and power systems for space, using heat pipe technology. Laboratory efforts are an important part of NASA's Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter mission, part of the Prometheus project, the agency's next-generation nuclear power & propulsion program.
  • Laboratory expertise evolves from projects such the ALEXIS and FORTE satellites (still in orbit capturing data on how signals from lightning are similar and yet different from nuclear detonations). Jointly with Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos flies the Multispectral Thermal Imager, an experimental mission for high spatial resolution imaging of ground temperatures and chemical plumes in support of its nonproliferation mission.
  • Los Alamos has satellite-construction facilities, instrumentation development and data analysis expertise, and advanced computer-aided design capabilities for satellite
  • Various laboratory-developed sensors for detection of X-rays, gamma ray and neutron signals and for measuring the satellite space environment fly aboard the GPS and defense system spacecraft.
  • In addition, our work in space weather analysis is essential to understanding the conditions under which spacecraft and astronauts must function.
Space Instrumentation


The laboratory hosts more than 100 NASA-sponsored space projects, coordinated through the Los Alamos Center for Space Science and Exploration (CSSE), formed in 1999.
NASA has sponsored civilian space programs at Los Alamos since 1969.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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