Youth Gangs:
Going Beyond the Myths to Address a Critical Problem

Participating in On-Line Events

Facilitated communication among participants in this on-line workshop will be asynchronous, meaning that K-12 Coordinators can log on to the event at their convenience to read and contribute messages. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you participate in this exciting on-line event:

  • Your involvement is key to event success! We hope to have enjoyable and stimulating discussions, but that can only happen if you log on and participate.

  • Make sure that you have adequate time to review new information and messages.

  • Log in at least once a day and participate in the on-line discussions as often as you can. You can share long or short messages, ask big or small questions, or contribute brief reactions to the messages posted by other Coordinators and facilitators.

  • You can compose, review, and edit messages in a word processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word) or in the event's Discussion Area prior to posting your messages on-line. Your messages will not appear on- line until you actively choose to post them. This allows you time to think about what you want to say and how you would like to say it.

  • When you reply to a message that was posted by a fellow coordinator or a facilitator, make sure to refer to the original message in your response so that others can follow the conversation.

  • To participate more fully during the event, try enabling the mailing list feature (see Using the Discussion Area). This will enable you to receive all discussion postings by e-mail.

  • If you have any technical questions or problems, please do not hesitate to submit a request for assistance to Event Support. We promise you a prompt response.

  • Relax and have fun with this opportunity to learn and connect with your fellow drug prevention and school safety Coordinators!

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Last Modified: 05/02/2006