Educational Leaders for Effective Practice

One-Page Information Sheet With Key Findings

To: Project Alert and Second Step Teachers

From: L. Marie Rogers, Middle School Coordinator Drug & Violence Prevention

You are making a difference! The following should encourage and direct us to place Project Alert and Second Step as an integral part of your curriculum planning.

The spring 2004 NEFEC Survey results are available. Nassau County is showing the following results for the gateway drugs emphasized in Project Alert:

The 2002 survey was used as the baseline data. As of October 2004, the following comparison for past 30-day use indicates we are making a difference:

Past 30-day Use 20022004
Alcohol 9.4%8.8%
Wine coolers & flavored alcohol drinks 10.4%7.2%
Cigarettes, or cigars 7.6%6.9%
Smokeless tobacco 2.4%4.3%

Three indicators of violence in the survey show an improvement from the baseline data.

Students who answered "Never True" 2002 2004
If another student hits me, I usually hit him/her back. 12.0% 15.3%
It is ok to hit someone who hits you first. 19.4% 25.7%
It’s fun to pick on or make fun of someone who smaller or weaker than I am. 59.5% 74.1%
If I were going to fight, I would want to use a knife or gun. 80.0% 89.1%
If someone teases or makes fun of me, I can’t get him/her to stop unless I hit him/her. 37.9% 40.3%

When students in 2002 were asked "what has helped you to not use alcohol, tobacco, other drugs or engage in violence", 55.9% answered that education about the harmful effects of drugs and violence has helped "A Lot". By 2004, that number had increased to 63.2% of the students. These indicators show that education and awareness are helping to make a difference in Nassau County. The 2004 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey results are not available at this time. It is hoped that those results will reflect the positive outcomes that support our prevention efforts as well

Please share this information with your students in class. Call if I can assist you or your students.

Source: Marie Rogers, Middle School Coordinator for Drug and Violence Prevention, Nassau County, Florida.

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Last Modified: 12/12/2007