Are You Making Progress? Increasing Accountability Through Evaluation

       •  Developing an Evaluation Contract

    The desired relationship between the evaluation team and the external evaluator is one of partnership and should be reflected as such in the contract. The contract should state, in a single paragraph if possible, the evaluator's general responsibilities. Also include in this paragraph a brief statement detailing your intended decision-making process and the authority of the evaluation team. In another paragraph, list and provide a timetable for the contract deliverables. Many evaluation contracts also specify who owns the data gathered during the evaluation as well as who has the right to publish the results of the evaluation study. Finally, indicate how the evaluator will bill for services rendered and a schedule of payment. The contract should also detail the evaluation team's responsibilities to provide the external evaluator with timely and appropriate guidance, to review and approve evaluation instruments and documents in a timely and constructive manner, and to assist the evaluator in solving problems that arise during the evaluation.

    Sample Contract

    Please note: This sample contract illustrates content typically included in such documents. It is not intended for use as a legal contract. Before issuing your own contract, be sure to review it with your own legal counsel.

    The evaluator, _________________________, is responsible for designing and conducting an evaluation of the Peers Making Peace program at Taft Middle School. The evaluator is responsible for guiding the evaluation process. In collaboration with the Evaluation Team, a subgroup of the Taft Prevention Planning Team, the evaluator will prepare the evaluation plan, identify and/or develop appropriate data collection instruments, identify the program participants who will complete the instruments, and administer the instruments to the selected participants. The evaluator is further responsible for data entry, conducting the appropriate statistical analyses, writing the evaluation report, and presenting the evaluation's results to the Evaluation Team. The evaluator will then work with the Evaluation Team to interpret the results and prepare presentations for school and community stakeholders.

    The Evaluation Team will have oversight responsibility for the evaluation. The evaluator will submit plans, instruments, and reports the Evaluation Team for approval. As an advisor to the Evaluation Team, the evaluator will be expected to attend all team meetings, unless informed otherwise. The evaluator will report to Mr. Luis Cabrera, Drug Prevention and School Safety Coordinator and Evaluation Team chair.

    The Evaluation Team will be responsible for making timely decisions regarding the overall evaluation plan and its components. If the Evaluation Team recommends changes in the plan, the suggested changes will be specific and feasible within the scope of this contract. If the evaluator disputes the feasibility of the changes, Mr. Cabrera will be the final arbiter. If the Evaluation Team reverses one of its decisions, and the changes require additional work on the part of the evaluator, the contract may be modified as agreed to by Mr. Cabrera. The Evaluation Team will also be responsible for assisting the evaluator in securing permission for collecting the evaluation data, as well as assisting the evaluator in resolving political or logistical barriers to conducting the evaluation.

    The Evaluation Team will assist the evaluator in developing a model outline for the evaluation report. Finally, the Evaluation Team will identify the person(s) to whom a presentation of the evaluation's results will be made.

    The evaluation contract will be in effect from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004. The evaluator will deliver the following products at the times specified below.

    1. General evaluation plan 7-15-03
    2. Evaluation instruments 8-31-03
    3. Sampling plan and sampling
    4. Data-collection plan 9-30-03
    5. Data-analysis plan 9-30-03
    6. Collection of evaluation data 3-15-04
    7. Evaluation report, including
    data tape or disc
    8. Presentation (limit of 2)
    of evaluation results

    A deliverable will not be considered satisfactorily completed until it is approved/accepted by the Evaluation Team. If a deliverable is not approved/accepted by the Evaluation Team, specific reasons for its disapproval/rejection must be provided to the evaluator within two weeks of the deliverable's receipt.

    The payment schedule for the contract is as follows:

    • 10% after deliverable #1
    • 20% after deliverable #2
    • 10% after deliverables #3-5
    • 30% after deliverable #6
    • 20% after deliverable #7
    • and 10% after deliverable #8

    Accepted by:

    Taft Middle School
    Taft Middle School

    Adapted from:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & IOX Assessment Associates. Booklet 7: Choosing and Using an Evaluator. The Handbook for Evaluating HIV Education. Available on-line at:

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Last Modified: 06/12/2008