Selecting Research-Based Prevention Programs for Your School

Supporting Materials: Patty's Slide Presentation

Slide 1
Selecting a Research-Based Program for Our School; Patty Franklin, Middle School Coordinator, Stanton Middle School; February 2002

Slide 2
Overview: Introduction, Overview of Project, Mission, Process

Slide 3
Key Findings from the Stanton Middle School/Community Needs Assessment: 31% of sixth graders reported having been bullied during school hours; 4% of sixth graders reported using cigarettes (this percentage reflects current cigarette use, i.e., any use in the 30 days prior to the survey). However, this percentage increased to 19% among eighth graders; over the course of the year, the average absentee rate was 11%. However, this percentage reached 19% on certain spring days.

Slide 4
Based on this assessment, the Planning Team identified these prevention priorities for the Stanton Middle School: Reduce bullying, reduce tobacco use, increase school attendance.

Slide 5
Four Strategies That Will Help Us Address Our Priorities: Enhancing students' personal social skills; restructuring classrooms to promote student engagement; establishing and enforcing clear school policies; building school-family-community partnerships

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Last Modified: 01/18/2008