OSEP Policy Documents Regarding the Education of Infants, Toddlers, Children and Youth with Disabilities


Disclaimer: Letters issued prior to December 3, 2004, may not be consistent with the IDEA, as revised by P.L. 108-446. Letters issued prior to August 14, 2006 may not be consistent with the final regulations for Part B published on that date at 71 Federal Register 46540. Readers are advised to consult with the current statute and final regulations.

Section 607 Reports as published in the Federal Register.

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Letter to Ms. Lana Michelson
November 3, 2006
Topic: Educational Placements
Letter regarding the educational placement of students, including students with disabilities, who are required to register as sex offenders under State law.
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Letter to Helen S. Carroll, Esq.
November 3, 2004
Topic: Educational Placements
Letter regarding grade level assignments for students with disabilities and clarifying that Part B of IDEA does not address whether a child has a right to experience each grade level in sequence.
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Letter to Ms. Shari A. Mamas
May 26, 2004
Topic: Educational Placements
Letter clarifying that neither the statute nor the regulations implementing the IDEA provide a general entitlement for parents of children with disabilities, or their professional representatives, to observe their children in any current or proposed educational placement and that the determination of who has access to classrooms may be addressed by State and/or local policy.
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Letter to Paul Veazey, Esq.
November 26, 2001
Topic: Educational Placements
Letter regarding the role of the placement team, including the child's parents, in the placement decision for a child with a disability and the authority of a public agency to make an administrative determination of the educational placement of a child with a disability consistent with the placement team's decision.
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Last Modified: 08/08/2007

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