May 13, 2004, Extra Credit
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May 13, 2004

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The following are excerpts from a Delaware Wave article covering U.S. Department of Education Associate Deputy Under Secretary for Innovation and Improvement Michael Petrilli's visit to Frankford Elementary School:

"Above-average test scores by students at Frankford Elementary School, many of whom are designated as low income, caught the attention of U.S. Department of Education officials. So much so, in fact, that Associate Deputy Undersecretary Michael Petrilli of the Office of Innovation and Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education made a visit recently to take a look for himself at just what the teachers and staff are doing to make a difference.

"Frankford Elementary School's population is about 76 percent low income. The school population also consists of about one-third African-American children and one-third Hispanic children, many of whom do not speak English when they enter the school. 'The student achievement here is remarkable,' Petrilli said, pointing out that the students' achievements is just what the federally mandated No Child Left Behind program is all about.

"Officially, Petrilli's visit was part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling Brown vs. Board of Education -- the landmark case that outlawed racial segregation in public schools -- and the No Child Left Behind Act."

"'Frankford is a wonderful model and fulfills the promise of Brown vs. Board of Education,' Petrilli said. 'It has a strong principal and wonderful teachers and staff who clearly dedicate 110 percent of their time. They are doing what many educators have said can't be done.'"


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Last Modified: 03/25/2008

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