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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5261

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5261

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Table 8. Geochemical modeling results for interbasin flow, Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system study area, Nevada and Utah.

[Flow path No. matches corresponding number in figure 45. Boundary or divide: HA, hydrographic area; IB, intrabasin. Geochemical model, mixtures of initial and recharge waters, represents total mixture of initial and recharge waters for first (upper mixture) and second (lower mixture) model evaluations. Initial water, first point along selected ground-water flow path. Recharge water contributed from surrounding recharge areas]

Flow path location and sites   Geochemical model – mixtures of water (percent) Geochemical model results
Flow path No. Initial Final Boundary or divide Initial – Recharge
1 Northern Spring Valley Northern Snake Valley HA 0 – 100
30 – 70
Supports ground-water flow path
2 Southern Spring Valley Southern Snake Valley HA 0 – 100
100 – 0
Supports ground-water flow path
3 Southern Steptoe Valley Southern Spring Valley HA 70 – 30
100 – 0
Supports ground-water flow path
4 Lake Valley Southern Spring Valley HA 95 – 5
100 – 0
Supports ground-water flow path
5 Southern part of northern Spring Valley Northern part of northern Spring Valley IB 0 – 100
60 – 40
Supports ground-water flow path
6 Central Spring Valley Southern Spring Valley IB 20 – 80
40 – 60
Supports ground-water flow path
7 Central White River Valley Southern White River Valley IB 40 – 60
60 – 40
Supports ground-water flow path

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