USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5261

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5261

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Table 1. Description of hydrogeologic units of the Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system study area, Nevada and Utah.

Hydrogeologic unit
abbreviation for
this study
Equivalent hydrogeologic
unit abbreviation in the
Death Valley ground-
water flow system
(Belcher, 2004)
unit name
Description of
hydrogeologic unit
FYSU ACU Fine-grained younger sedimentary rock unit Young Cenozoic lacustrine, playa and basin axis deposits
CYSU AA Coarse-grained younger sedimentary rock unit Young Cenozoic alluvial and fluvial deposits
VFU CHVU and BRU Volcanic flow unit Cenozoic basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite lava flows
VTU TMVA, PVA, and CFPPA Volcanic tuff unit Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs
OSU VSU Older sedimentary rock unit Consolidated Cenozoic sandstone and limestone
MSU SCU Mesozoic sedimentary rock unit Mesozoic limestone, sandstone, and shale
UCU UCA Upper carbonate-rock unit Mississippian to Permian carbonate rocks
USCU UCCU Upper siliciclastic-rock unit Mississippian siliciclastic rocks and some limestone
LCU LCA Lower carbonate-rock unit Cambrian to Devonian predominantly carbonate rocks
LSCU LCCU Lower siliciclastic-rock unit Cambrian and Precambrian siliciclastic rocks
IU ICU Intrusive-rock Unit Intrusive rocks such as granite and granodiorite, not divided by age

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