Browse Archive

  • A student stands in front of a television showing the downlink

    Orbital Show-and-Tell

    10.09.07 - Idaho students were treated to a glimpse of life in space by the STS-118 crew.

  • David DelMonte sits at a table

    Ambassador for Space

    10.10.07 - Ambassador for Space David DelMonte shares his passion for space exploration.

  • Students standing in a field with a rocket angled on a launch stand

    A First Time for Everything

    10.03.07 - North Dakota students build and launch the first student-built educational rocket in their state.

  • Front of the Earth and Space Science Explorers poster

    Earth Science Week 2007

    10.03.07 - NASA education materials support this year's Earth Science Week, Oct. 14-20.

  • Hamilton sits in a mock-up of the Ares I instrument unit

    At NASA, Math Counts

    10.01.07 - NASA engineer George Hamilton volunteers his time to inspire students’ interest in mathematics.

  • The Black Hole Explorer game showing a series of circles around a black hole

    Black Hole Explorer

    10.01.07 - A board game challenges players to design a spacecraft to study a black hole.

  • Muller standing next to a white dish antenna

    I Dream of NASA

    09.17.07 - A mechanical engineering student lives her dream as a NASA intern.

  • Phil Christensen stands in front of a rocket

    Like Mars, Like Earth

    09.12.07 - Geologist Phil Christensen compares Mars and Earth with the help of students around the world.

  • Bianca in a white graduation cap and gown

    Growing Up With NASA

    09.05.07 - One of NASA's youngest investigators is continuing her science investigations in college.

  • Robert Bindschadler

    The Chills and Thrills of Ice

    08.27.07 - Robert Bindschadler enjoys the risks and rewards of visiting the world's coldest climates.