[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 27]
[Revised as ofJuly 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR471.53]

[Page 744-747]
            Subpart E--Refractory Metals Forming Subcategory
Sec. 471.53  New source performance standards (NSPS).

    Any new source subject to this subpart must achieve the following 
new source performance standards (NSPS):
    (a) Rolling spent neat oils and graphite based lubricants--Subpart 
E--NSPS. There shall be no discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (b) Rolling spent emulsions.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals rolled
                                                    with emulsions
Copper......................................         0.549         0.262
Nickel......................................         0.236         0.159
Fluoride....................................        25.5          11.3
Molybdenum..................................         2.16          0.957
Oil and grease..............................         4.29          4.29
TSS.........................................         6.44          5.15
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (c) Drawing spent lubricants.--Subpart E--NSPS. There shall be no 
discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (d) Extrusion spent lubricants.--Subpart E--NSPS. There shall be no 
discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (e) Extrusion press hydraulic fluid leakage.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                              refractory metals extruded
Copper......................................         1.53          0.726
Nickel......................................         0.655         0.441
Fluoride....................................        70.8          31.4
Molybdenum..................................         5.99          2.66
Oil and grease..............................        11.9          11.9
TSS.........................................        17.9          14.3
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (f) Forging spent lubricants--Subpart E--NSPS. There shall be no 
discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (g) Forging contact cooling water.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               forged refractory metals
                                                   cooled with water
Copper......................................         0.041         0.020
Nickel......................................         0.018         0.012
Fluoride....................................         1.92          0.853
Molybdenum..................................         0.163         0.072
Oil and grease..............................         0.323         0.323
TSS.........................................         0.485         0.388
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (h) Equipment cleaning wastewater.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals formed
Copper......................................         0.174         0.083
Nickel......................................         0.075         0.051
Fluoride....................................         8.09          3.59
Molybdenum..................................         0.684         0.303
Oil and grease..............................         1.36          1.36
TSS.........................................         2.04          1.63
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (i) Metal powder production wastewater.

[[Page 745]]

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals powder
Copper......................................         0.360         0.172
Nickel......................................         0.155         0.104
Fluoride....................................        16.7           7.42
Molybdenum..................................         1.42          0.627
Oil and grease..............................         2.81          2.81
TSS.........................................         4.22          3.37
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (j) Metal powder production floor wash wastewater--Subpart E--NSPS. 
There shall be no discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (k) Metal powder pressing spent lubricants--Subpart E--NSPS. There 
shall be no discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (l) Surface treatment spent baths.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals surface
Copper......................................         0.498         0.237
Nickel......................................         0.214         0.144
Fluoride....................................        23.2          10.3
Molybdenum..................................         1.96          0.868
Oil and grease..............................         3.89          3.89
TSS.........................................         5.84          4.67
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (m) Surface treatment rinse.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals surface
Copper......................................        15.5           7.38
Nickel......................................         6.66          4.48
Fluoride....................................       720           320
Molybdenum..................................        69.9          27.0
Oil and grease..............................       121           121
TSS.........................................       182           145
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (n) Alkaline cleaning spent baths.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                              refractory metals alkaline
Copper......................................         0.428         0.204
Nickel......................................          .184         0.124
Fluoride....................................        19.9           8.82
Molybdenum..................................         1.68          0.745
Oil and grease..............................         3.34          3.34
TSS.........................................         5.01          4.01
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (o) Alkaline cleaning rinse.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                              refractory metals alkaline
Copper......................................        10.5           4.98
Nickel......................................         4.49          3.02
Fluoride....................................       486           216
Molybdenum..................................        41.1          18.2
Oil and grease..............................        81.6          81.6
TSS.........................................       123            97.9
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (p) Molten salt rinse.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals treated
                                                   with molten salt
Copper......................................         0.810         0.386
Nickel......................................         0.348         0.234
Fluoride....................................        37.7          16.7
Molybdenum..................................         3.19          1.41
Oil and grease..............................         6.33          6.33
TSS.........................................         9.5           7.6
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (q) Tumbling or burnishing wastewater.

[[Page 746]]

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals tumbled
                                                     or burnished
Copper......................................         1.60          0.763
Nickel......................................         0.688         0.463
Fluoride....................................        74.4          33.0
Molybdenum..................................         6.29          2.79
Oil and grease..............................        12.5          12.5
TSS.........................................        18.8          15.0
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (r) Sawing or grinding spent neat oils--Subpart E--NSPS. There shall 
be no discharge of process wastewater pollutants.
    (s) Sawing or grinding spent emulsions.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                              refractory metals sawed or
                                                 ground with emulsions
Copper......................................         0.380         0.181
Nickel......................................         0.164         0.110
Fluoride....................................        17.7           7.84
Molybdenum..................................         1.5           0.663
Oil and grease..............................         2.97          2.97
TSS.........................................         4.46          3.57
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (t) Sawing or grinding contact cooling water.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                              refractory metals sawed or
                                                  ground with contact
                                                     cooling water
Copper......................................         3.11          1.48
Nickel......................................         1.34          0.899
Fluoride....................................       145            64.2
Molybdenum..................................        12.2           5.42
Oil and grease..............................        24.3          24.3
TSS.........................................        36.5          29.2
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (u) Sawing or grinding rinse.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                              sawed or ground refractory
                                                     metals rinsed
Copper......................................         0.018         0.009
Nickel......................................         0.008         0.005
Fluoride....................................         0.803         0.357
Molybdenum..................................         0.068         0.030
Oil and grease..............................         0.135         0.135
TSS.........................................         0.203         0.162
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (v) Wet air pollution control scrubber blowdown.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals sawed,
                                               ground, surface coated or
                                                    surface treated
Copper......................................         1.01          0.480
Nickel......................................         0.433         0.291
Fluoride....................................        46.8          20.8
Molybdenum..................................         3.96          1.76
Oil and grease..............................         7.87          7.87
TSS.........................................        11.8           9.45
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (w) Miscellaneous wastewater sources.

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals formed
Copper......................................         0.442         0.211
Nickel......................................         0.190         0.128
Fluoride....................................        20.6           9.11
Molybdenum..................................         1.74          0.770
Oil and grease..............................         3.45          3.45
TSS.........................................         5.18          4.14
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (x) Dye penetrant testing wastewater.

[[Page 747]]

                             Subpart E--NSPS
                                                             Maximum for
       Pollutant or pollutant property         Maximum for     monthly
                                                any 1 day      average
                                                 mg/off-kg (pounds per
                                                million off-pounds) of
                                               refractory metals product
Copper......................................         0.100         0.048
Nickel......................................         0.043         0.029
Fluoride....................................         4.62          2.05
Molybdenum..................................         0.391         0.173
Oil and grease..............................         0.776         0.776
TSS.........................................         1.17          0.931
pH..........................................     (\1\)         (\1\)
\1\ Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.

    (y) Degreasing spent solvents--Subpart E--NSPS. There shall be no 
discharge of process wastewater pollutants.

[50 FR 34270, Aug. 23, 1985; 51 FR 2886, Jan. 22, 1986]