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What's New - March 2005
Transcript Of Tele-News Conference With Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns At The 27th Ministerial Of The Cairns Group - Cartagena, Colombia (03/31/05)
Statement By Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns Regarding Cairns Ministerial And Colombia Bilateral  
U.S., Canadian Agriculture Officials Issue Joint Statement During Cairns Group Ministerial
Minister Andy Mitchell, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and Secretary Mike Johanns, U.S. Department of Agriculture, met in Cartagena, Colombia, to discuss BSE and other matters of mutual importance to agriculture in their two countries. (03/31/05)
U.S. Officials Discuss Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement During March 28 Webcast
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns, Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture Services J.B. Penn and Chief U.S. Agriculture Negotiator Allen F. Johnson held a tele-news conference on a variety of agricultural issues including the Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). (03/28/05)

-- Audio; Transcript
USDA Grants Trade Adjustment Assistance To Concord Grape Producers In New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service approved a petition filed by Concord juice grape producers in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio for benefits under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for farmers program. The producers may apply for TAA benefits between March 28, 2005, and June 27, 2005.  (03/28/05)

USDA Grants Trade Adjustment Assistance To Potato Producers In Idaho
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service approved a petition filed by     potato producers in Idaho for benefits under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for farmers   program. The producers may apply for TAA benefits between March 28, 2005, and June 27, 2005. (03/22/05)

Egypt Lifts Ban On U.S. Beef Products
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns  has announced  that Egypt is immediately resuming imports of U.S. beef and beef products from animals less than 30 months of age.
U.S. Government Requests Appeal In Minimal-Risk Rule Case
The U.S. Justice Department, on behalf of USDA, requested that the U.S. Court of Appeals overturn the decision by the U.S. District Court in Montana to delay USDA's minimal-risk regions rule, which would re-establish trade with Canada for beef products and live cattle under 30 months of age. (3/17/05)
March 15 is the Deadline to Apply for the Summer International Internship Program
The program is designed to provide experience in international agriculture and offers paid summer internships to college or university students.  (03/11/05)

USDA Secretary Mike Johanns Issues Statement Regarding Guatemala's Passage of the United States-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement
Johanns says this brings the United States "one step closer" to an agreement that will open markets to 44 million consumers and possibly increase U.S. agricultural exports by $1.5 billion. (03/10/05)
More about CAFTA-DR

USDA Secretary Mike Johanns Issues Statement Regarding the Passage of S.J.Res. 4 by the U.S. Senate (03/03/05)
U.S. Senate vote disapproved a USDA-submitted rule to establish minimal risk regions and resume trade in Canadian beef and cattle under 30 months of age.


USDA Official Issues Statement Regarding the WTO Appellate Body Report on U.S. Subsidies on Upland Cotton
Under Secretary Of Agriculture JB Penn expressed disappointment in the WTO decision, given U.S. efforts to meet WTO obligations.

Relief Efforts for Victims of the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Information is available for those seeking to donate commodities and services.

03/31  Brazil: Farmers Faced With Tough Decisions in Rio Grande do Sul
Europe: Winter Conditions Summary
Ukraine: Cool March Weather Delays Spring Planting
South East Asia: Drought Continues
World Apple Situation-March 2005
Vietnam: Record Rice Crop Expected
Argentina: Field Travel Report
Kazakhstan: Field Travel Report
U.S. Exports, Year to Date: January 2005
Argentine Corn Exports to Reach Record
Cotton: U.S. Export Commitments on Track with Export Forecast
International Market Analysis: EU Weighs Ways to Solve Intervention Problems in New Member States
U.S. Export of Tropical Products
Climbed Again in 2004
China: Recent Rain Eases Drought in the South
Brazil: 2004/05 Crop Situation Update
Russia: Agricultural Overview
Mexico Announces Final Rule for Wood Packaging Materials Effective September 16th
03/07  World Avocado Situation and Outlook
Morocco: Drought Concerns Linger for Winter Grains Despite Recent Rain
03/01  Malaysia: Palm Oil Area and Production 
03/31  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
03/11  Grain: World Markets and Trade
World Markets and Trade
03/11  Tropical Products:
World Markets and Trade
03/10  World Agricultural Production PDF Data
03/10  Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel - Excel CO-2631000
03/08  Dairy Monthly Imports

World Market and Trade Reports
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