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Upcoming Events

  • The Opposite(s) of Property
    Jan. 17, 2009: Interdisciplinary workshop investigating the concept of property and its borders, through a variety of lenses. » Event Details

  • Race and Socio-Economic Class: Unraveling an Increasingly Complex Tapestry
    Jan. 23, 2009: A conference exploring the complex interplay between race and socio-economic class and the unique challenges this interaction presents for policy makers. » Event Details

  • Local Property, Global Justice: Law and Resources in the Era of Climate Change
    Jan. 30, 2009: A conference seeking to shed new light on the issues of climate change by looking at property-based solutions and answering questions about international coordination.

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  • Where do detainees go when Guantanamo closes?
    Professor Scott Silliman discusses the challenges involved in closing the prison. » NPR

  • Law schools' degrees increasingly customized
    Duke Law School offers the academic strengths of Duke University through a number of joint-degree programs, Dean David Levi says. » The Chronicle of Higher Education

  • Professor Jedediah Purdy's new book called "a tour de force of engaged political philosophy"
    A Tolerable Anarchy: Rebels, Reactionaries, and the Making of American Freedom examines America's ideology of freedom. » Publishers Weekly

  • Legal minds
    Duke Law's LLM program is recognized as one that synthesizes a diverse group of international offerings and opportunities. » NAFSA

  • Professor Stuart Benjamin comments on Obama's pick to lead the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
    Cass Sunstein is someone "who has thought deeply about the best way to engage in cost/benefit analysis," Benjamin says. » Bloomberg

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