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Women's Health Home


The Deborah E. Powell Center for Women’s Health, A National Center of Excellence, is focused on promoting, facilitating and disseminating research on women’s health.
To be well-funded, recognized experts in women’s mental health, infectious disease, and heart disease, obesity and diabetes prevention.
To catalyze partnerships that impacts the health of women and their communities.
News and Upcoming Events
September 21st
Women’s Health Research Conference
October 5th & 6th
OB/GYN Autumn Seminar
October 8th
Nursing Conference


6th Annual Women’s Health Research Conference

A Focus on Women’s Mental Health and Neurosciences

Monday, September 21, 2009
McNamara Alumni Center
12:00 pm - 5:30 pm

"Does Sex Matter? Brain Sexual Dimorphism and its Influence on Psychopathology"
Laura J. Miller, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Clinical Services, Director of Women's Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's - Faulkner Hospitals
CLICK HERE for registration and more information.

Powell Center Strategic Plan

Passport to Women’s Health

2008-2009 Report to the Community




Contact us
 A-605 Mayo, MMC 293
 420 Delaware St. SE
 Minneapolis, MN 55455
 Office: 612-626-1125
 Fax: 612-626-8899

 Email:  wmhealth@umn.ed




Pfizer Visiting Professor

Dr. Laura Miller

Laura J. Miller, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Clinical Services, Director of Women's Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's - Faulkner Hospitals

For Sponsored Lectures and more information CLICK HERE


"When women are fully involved, families are healthier.  They are better fed. Income, savings, and reinvestment go up.  And what is true of families is true of communities and eventually of whole countries."
Kofi Annan,  Former Secretary-General of the United Nations
December 29, 2002


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