[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 46, Volume 4]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 46CFR122.202]

[Page 388-389]
                           TITLE 46--SHIPPING
PART 122--OPERATIONS--Table of Contents
             Subpart B--Marine Casualties and Voyage Records
Sec. 122.202  Notice of marine casualty.

    (a) Immediately after addressing resultant safety concerns, the 
owner, agent, master, or person in charge of a vessel involved in a 
marine casualty shall notify the nearest Marine Safety Office, Marine 
Inspection Office, or Coast Guard Group Office whenever a vessel is 
involved in a marine casualty consisting of:
    (1) An unintended grounding, or an unintended strike of (allision 
with) a bridge:
    (2) An intended grounding, or an intended strike of a bridge, that 
creates a hazard to navigation, the environment, or the safety of a 
vessel, or that meets any criterion of paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(7) 
of this section;
    (3) Loss of main propulsion or primary steering, or any associated 
component or control system, that reduces the maneuverability of the 
    (4) An occurrence materially and adversely affecting the vessel's 
seaworthiness or fitness for service or route, including but not limited 
to fire, flooding, failure of or damage to fixed fire extinguishing 
systems, lifesaving equipment, auxiliary power generating equipment, or 
bilge pumping systems;
    (5) Loss of life;
    (6) Injury that requires professional medical treatment (treatment 
beyond first aid) and, if the person is engaged or employed on board a 
vessel in commercial service, which renders the individual unfit to 
perform his or her routine duties; or

[[Page 389]]

    (7) An occurrence not meeting any of the above criteria but causing 
property damage in excess of $25,000. This damage includes the cost of 
labor and material to restore the property to its condition before the 
occurrence, but does not include the cost of salvage, cleaning, gas 
freeing, drydocking, or demurrage.
    (b) A vessel is excluded from the requirements of paragraphs (a)(5) 
and (a)(6) of this section with respect to the death or injury of 
shipyard or harbor workers when such accidents are not the result of 
either a vessel casualty (e.g., collision) or a vessel equipment 
casualty (e.g., cargo boom failure) and are subject to the reporting 
requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 
in 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 1904.
    (c) Notice given as required by Sec. 122.203 satisfies the 
requirement of this section if the marine casualty involves a hazardous 