All States Participate in No Child Left Behind

This letter to the editor by Secretary Rod Paige appeared in the Indianapolis Star on April 11, 2004.

I would like to correct one assertion in your recent editorial on the No Child Left Behind education reforms ("Tweaking the rules," April 5).

Your editorial includes a reference to six states that have opted out of the law. This is not the case. While a few states have examined their options with respect to No Child Left Behind, all states are currently full participants in the law's historic reforms.

In fact, teamwork between the Department of Education and the states has been an important ingredient in the success of the law. The Department of Education is working closely with the states to wring every bit of flexibility from No Child Left Behind. The result of this cooperation has been the four new policies you praise in the editorial.

You are absolutely right to urge states to continue the course. No Child Left Behind is our nation's most comprehensive effort to make our education system inclusive, effective and just. It works by improving schools for all students without regard to race, family income level and language spoken at home. Most importantly, it holds high expectations for all of our children so that every child will have the same great opportunity to learn and succeed.

Rod Paige
U.S. Department of Education

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Last Modified: 06/14/2006