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June 30, 2006

A Protein That Helps Turn Sound into Sense

Scientists say they may have uncovered a key player in how the body turns sound into sense — that is, how the vibrations called sound waves that pulsate through the air are turned into the words, music and clamor that our brains sense.

Microscopic structures called stereocilia sit atop a hair cell.  
Microscopic structures called stereocilia sit atop a hair cell. Tip links (arrows) connect shorter stereocilia to their taller neighbors. Reproduced with permission from Nature Reviews Genetics 5, 489–98, copyright 2004 Macmillan Magazines Ltd.  
Researchers have long known that hair cells, small sensory cells in the inner ear, convert sound energy into electrical signals that travel to the brain. The process begins when a sound wave enters the ear, causing the eardrum and the three tiny bones behind it — the hammer, anvil and stirrup — to vibrate. This vibration creates pressure waves through the fluid of the inner ear. Hair cells sitting on a membrane ride the waves, causing microscopic projections on the hair cells called stereocilia to bump against an overlying membrane and deflect to the side. This movement causes tiny channels on the stereocilia to open up, allowing potassium molecules to rush in, initiating an electrical signal.

Key to this process at the molecular level are threadlike links that connect the tips of shorter stereocilia to the sides of neighboring higher ones like rope bridges. Scientists believe that these so-called "tip links" may be responsible for opening and closing the channel gates.

In the June 28 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers report that they have identified a protein called protocadherin-15 that’s an important component of the tip links. Protocadherin-15 has previously been linked to a form of Usher syndrome, the most common cause of deaf-blindness in humans.

The discovery, by an international team led by researchers from NIH’s National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders and the University of Sussex, bodes well for identifying and perhaps one day reversing an underlying cause of some forms of hearing loss. While researchers still don’t know exactly how protocadherin-15 works, Dr. James Battey, Director of NIDCD, says that this finding brings us to “the closest point we have ever been to understanding the mechanism by which the ear converts mechanical energy into a form of energy that the brain can recognize as sound.”

This finding not only provides insight into how hearing takes place at the molecular level, but it may help researchers figure out why some people temporarily lose their hearing after being exposed to loud noise, only to regain it a day or two later. Delicate tip links, when broken by noise, could cause temporary hearing loss until the link re-establishes itself. The scientists hope that this discovery will lead them to understand how broken tip links can be stimulated to re-form.

The researchers now plan to delve more deeply into the role that protocadherin-15 plays in the tip-link and to investigate what other components the protein interacts with.

Related Links:
Hearing, Ear Infections and Deafness:

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