Measure Dhs MEASURE DHS: Quality Information to plan, monitor and improve population, health, and nutrition programs  
Demographic Health Surveys
Go to surveys and methodologies section Surveys and Methodologies
The DHS program provides assistance with the Demographic and Health Survey, the Service Provision Assessment (SPA) Survey, the HIV/AIDS Indicator Survey (AIS), Malaria Indicators Survey(MIS) and qualitative research. Learn more...
go to data section   Data (available for free)
 gray bullet  STATcompiler provides quick facts and country comparisons, allowing users to build      customized tables from hundreds of DHS surveys and indicators.
 gray bullet  STATmapper creates maps from STATcompiler data in more than 75 countries. 
 gray bullet  HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database provides HIV/AIDS data from a variety of      sources.
 gray bullet  HIVmapper creates maps from data in the HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database. 
 gray bullet  HIV Spatial Data Repository for downloading GIS dataset linked with HIV indicators
 gray bullet  Request Data: Request one or more datasets from our surveys for your research.
go to publications section   Publications (available for free download)
Download final reports, comparative and analytical reports, as well as papers, other research documents and dissemination materials. Search Publications...
go to countries section   Countries
Search for demographic and health data and survey information by country.
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go to topics section   Topics
Looking for information on a specific topic? Search our list of topics to find DHS data relating to family planning, maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS or female genital cutting, for example. Browse Topics...
** The photographs in this material are used for illustrative purposes only; they do not imply any particular health status, attitudes, behaviors, or actions on the part of any person who appears in the photographs.

Surveys Photo, Sean Hawkey/Photoshare | A woman in Kibera, Africa's largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

Data Photo, Lynn Hamberger | Closeup of data in a MEASURE DHS brochure.

Publications Photo, Lynn Hamberger | Various MEASURE DHS publications.

Topics Photo, Pham Hong Long/NCPFP | A young Vietnamese woman smiles for the camera.
USAID: From The American People
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