Homicide offending rates for cities over 100,000 population, 1976-2005

Line chart with four lines by city population of: 1 million +; 500,000 to 999,999; 250,000 to 499,999; and 100,000 to 249,999.

For cities of one million and over population, the homicide offending rate per 100,000 population began at 23.6 in 1976 and climbed to a high of 45.2 in 1991. Then the rate decreased to 13.3 in 2005.

For cities of 500K to 999K population, the homicide offending rate per 100,000 population began at 20.7 in 1976 and dropped to 20.5 in 1977. Then the rate increased to 25.4 in 1980, before falling to 17.0 in 1983. Then it increased to 26.5 in 1991, before decreasing to 14.5 in 2004. Then the rate rose to 18.9 in 2005.

For cities of 250K to 499K population, the homicide offending rate per 100,000 population began at 18.2 in 1976 and decreased to 16.9 in 1977. Then the rate increased to 27.0 in 1994, before decreasing to 13.5 in 2001. It then increased to 15.4 in 2004, before falling to 15.3 in 2005.

For cities of 100K to 249K population, the homicide offending rate per 100,000 population began at 13.1 in 1976 and increased to 13.5 in 1977. The rate then decreased to 12.0 in 1978, before increasing to 16.0 in 1981. Then it decreased to 12.0 in 1983, before rising, reaching 18.4 in 1994. Then the rate decreased to a low of 10.4 in 2002, before increasing to 13.8 in 2005.

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