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News Release for Immediate Release
September 25, 2003

Emergency Food Stamp Program Ends October 6

(Washington, DC) Mayor Anthony A. Williams announced today that the US Department of Agriculture has approved the District’s request to operate a disaster-related Emergency Food Stamp Program for seven days beginning Friday, September 26, 2003 and ending Monday, October 6, 2003. The District is among the first jurisdictions affected by Hurricane Isabel to provide this assistance.

The Emergency Food Stamp Program is administered by the DC Department of Human Services, Income Maintenance Administration (IMA). The program will provide approximately $4 million to 40,000 households including a total of 82,000 District residents already receiving food stamp benefits who lost food during the storm, and new applicants.

“Through this program, we will ensure that low-income District residents won’t go hungry waiting to receive food stamp benefits next month when they need it now,” said Mayor Williams.  “I am pleased that the US Department of Agriculture and the Department of Human Services expedited the process so that our citizens may receive emergency food stamp benefits.”

District residents who already receive food stamps and other low-income residents who need to apply for them may visit one of seven DC Department of Human Services IMA Service Centers located throughout the city.

Current food stamp recipients in the District will automatically receive one half of their monthly food stamp allotment to compensate for food lost as a result of Hurricane Isabel. Those who suffered losses in income or had to use funds to buy products on an emergency basis may apply for special supplemental assistance funds for food purchase only. The Food Stamps application process will also be streamlined for new applicants who experienced losses due to the storm and who will be provided one month of food stamp benefits.

The seven IMA Service Centers are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and  Friday from 8:15 am until 4:4