Klamath County Receives Funds For Emergency Food And Shelter Program 

Release Date: August 8, 2001
Release Number: R10-01-44

» 2001 Region X News Releases

Washington, DC -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today Kalamath County, Ore. would receive a special funding allocation from the Emergency Food and Shelter (EFS) National Board Program.

FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh said $51,580 would be given to the county 580 to assist with rent, mortgage, utility, and food bills for farmers and farm workers who are unemployed due to a severe drought.

The EFS Program is FEMA's non-disaster assistance program. The program's national board annually awards supplemental funds to counties experiencing higher than average unemployment levels. Local non-profit, faith-based and government agencies throughout the country are awarded funds to assist with emergency requests for food, shelter, and rent, mortgage and utility arrearages to prevent evictions and utility cutoffs. This year, the program distributed $140 million to more than 12,000 agencies in more than 2,400 counties.

More information on the EFS Program is available online from the national board's web site at www.efsp.unitedway.org.

Last Modified: Thursday, 23-Oct-2003 09:06:09