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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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peach palm
pili nut

Research Leader: Dr. Francis Zee, Research Plant Pathologist: Dr. Lisa Keith, Research Plant Physiologist: Dr. Tracie Matsumoto

Location: Hilo, Hawaii

Mission: To collect, identify, evaluate, maintain, utilize, preserve, and distribute important clonal germplasm for designated tropical fruit, nut, beverage, and ornamental crops.

Repository buildings

History: In 1986, the National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Tropical Fruit and Nut Crops was initiated as a joint cooperative project between the USDA/ARS, National Plant Germplasm System and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR). The unit was federalized in 1989 and became part of the National Plant Germplasm System. The current collection is approximately 1000. Crops are maintained as living plants in 33 acres of field plantings at three locations. Selected germplasm are grown in tissue culture, and in greenhouses. (Please note: Not all germplasm is available for distribution and only small quantities of germplasm are distributed to scientists and industry for research purposes. Access to collection information and requests for germplasm can be found by contacting the National Germplasm Resources Information Network GRIN .) To contact us call (808)959-5833.

Tropical Plant Genetic Resources Distribution Policy


The USDA, ARS, TPGR, Hilo, HI distributes small quantities of germplasm to researchers, the plant industry.  Germplasm may be provided to hobbyists or private individuals, or students, but only when this material is not commercially available.   We encourage the public to check their local nurseries before requesting materials.  There is no charge for the plant material; however, shipping costs other than surface mail, as well as fees for phytosanitary certificates (if required) must be borne by the recipient.  The germplasm provided is not certified, and usually not tested for pathogens or viability.  Some types of germplasm cannot be shipped to certain states, regions or countries, check with your state Department of Agriculture for restrictions on materials.  Since we are a clonal and not a seed repository, distribution of seeds is seasonal, and only available for a short period while they are on the tree.  Tropical seed usually has a short period of viability, therefore we cannot store seed.  Please understand that it is difficult for us to fulfill requests on short notice.  Initial inquires should be sent by email to, letter or through the GRIN website.  Germplasm can be sent around the world, provided the proper documentation, such as Import Permits or any other required forms are presented where needed.  This documentation must include the country’s phytosanitary requirements for import, in English.  We must adhere to local and international regulations for each state or country.  Without the proper documentation germplasm cannot and will not be shipped.



  1. Distributions will be made quarterly, during the third week of January, April, July, October or when materials are available.  Distribution outside this schedule will be filled at the curator’s discretion.
  2. A maximum of twenty (20) accessions will be provided per each quarterly distribution.
  3. Material will only be shipped surface mail, unless an overnight courier account number is provided by the requesting individual or institution.
  4. If a phytosanitary certificate is required, APHIS now charges the repository $23.00.  The requesting individual or institution is responsible for this charge.
  5. Include your complete address, including telephone number and your intended use of the material.


The TPGR management unit has made every effort to authenticate the name and health status of the plant material prior to distribution, but assumes no responsibility for the identity, health or performance of the plants or propagules being shipped.


The Fourteen Designated Crops

Pineapple - Ananas comosus & spp

Breadfruit - Artocarpus altilis & spp.

Starfruit - Averrhoa carambola & spp.

Peach palm - Bactris gasipaes & spp.

Pili nut - Canarium ovatum & spp.

Papaya - Carica papaya & spp.

Longan - Dimocarpus longan & spp.

Lychee - Litchi chinensis & spp.

Macadamia - Macadamia integrifolia & spp.

Acerola - Malpighia glabra & spp.

Rambutan - Nephelium lappaceum

Pulasan - Nephelium rambutan-ake & spp.

Passion fruit - Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa & spp.

Guava - Psidium guajava & spp.

Tea - Camellia sinensis


Last Modified: 04/18/2008
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