[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 9, Volume 2]

[Revised as of January 1, 2007]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 9CFR203.10]

[Page 52]








AND STOCKYARDS ACT--Table of Contents


Sec. 203.10  Statement with respect to insolvency; definition of current assets and current liabilities.

    (a) Under the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended and 

supplemented (7 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), the principal test of insolvency is 

to determine whether a person's current liabilities exceed his current 

assets. This current ratio test of insolvency under the Act has been 

reviewed and affirmed by a United States Court of Appeals. Bowman v. 

United States Department of Agriculture, 363 F. 2d 81 (5th Cir. 1966).

    (b) For the purposes of the administration of the Packers and 

Stockyards Act, 1921, the following terms shall be construed, 

respectively, to mean:

    (1) Current assets means cash and other assets or resources commonly 

identified as those which are reasonably expected to be realized in cash 

or sold or consumed during the normal operating cycle of the business, 

which is considered to be one year.

    (2) Current liabilities means obligations whose liquidation is 

reasonably expected to require the use of existing resources principally 

classifiable as current assets or the creation of other current 

liabilities during the one year operating cycle of the business.

    (c) The term current assets generally includes: (1) Cash in bank or 

on hand; (2) sums due a market agency from a custodial account for 

shippers' proceeds; (3) accounts receivable, if collectable; (4) notes 

receivable and portions of long-term notes receivable within one year 

from date of balance sheet, if collectable; (5) inventories of livestock 

acquired for purposes of resale or for purposes of market support; (6) 

feed inventories and other inventories which are intended to be sold or 

consumed in the normal operating cycle of the business; (7) accounts due 

from employees, if collectable; (8) accounts due from officers of a 

corporation, if collectable; (9) accounts due from affiliates and 

subsidiaries of corporations if the financial position of such 

subsidiaries and affiliates justifies such classification; (10) 

marketable securities representing cash available for current operations 

and not otherwise pledged as security; (11) accrued interest receivable; 

and (12) prepaid expenses.

    (d) The term current assets generally excludes: (1) Cash and claims 

to cash which are restricted as to withdrawal, such as custodial funds 

for shippers' proceeds and current proceeds receivable from the sale of 

livestock sold on a commission basis; (2) investments in securities 

(whether marketable or not) or advances which have been made for the 

purposes of control, affiliation, or other continuing business 

advantage; (3) receivables which are not expected to be collected within 

12 months; (4) cash surrender value of life insurance policies; (5) land 

and other natural resources; and (6) depreciable assets.

    (e) The term current liabilities generally includes: (1) Bank 

overdrafts (per books); (2) amounts due a custodial account for 

shippers' proceeds; (3) accounts payable within one year from date of 

balance sheet; (4) notes payable or portions thereof due and payable 

within one year from date of balance sheet; (5) accruals such as taxes, 

wages, social security, unemployment compensation, etc., due and payable 

as of the date of the balance sheet; and (6) all other liabilities whose 

regular and ordinary liquidation is expected to occur within one year.

(Sec. 407(a), 42 Stat. 169, 72 Stat. 1750; 7 U.S.C. 228(a). Interprets 

or applies secs. 202, 307, 312, 502, 505; 42 Stat. 161 et seq., as 

amended; 7 U.S.C. 192, 208, 213, 218a, 218d)

[32 FR 6901, May 5, 1967]