[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 9, Volume 2]

[Revised as of January 1, 2007]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 9CFR354.1]

[Page 384-386]








--Table of Contents


Sec. 354.1  Definitions.

    Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall 

have the following meaning:

    (a) Act means the applicable provisions of the Agricultural 

Marketing Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1087; 7 U.S.C. 1621 et seq.) or any 

other act of Congress conferring like authority.

    (b) Acceptable means suitable for the purpose intended and 

acceptable to the Service.

    (c) Administrator means the Administrator of the Food Safety and 

Inspection Service of the Department or any other officer or employee of 

the Department to whom there has heretofore been delegated, or to whom 

there may hereafter be delegated the authority to act in his stead.

    (d) Applicant means any interested party who requests any inspection 


    (e) Area supervisor means any employee of the Department in charge 

of rabbit inspection service in a designated geographical area.

    (f) Carcass means any rabbit carcass.

    (g) Circuit supervisor or technical supervisor means the officer in 

charge of

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the rabbit inspection service in a circuit consisting of a group of 

stations within an area.

    (h) Class means any subdivision of a product based on essential 

physical characteristics that differentiate between major groups of the 

same kind.

    (i) Condition means any condition, including, but not being limited 

to, the state of preservation, cleanliness, or soundness, of any product 

or the processing, handling, or packaging which may affect such product.

    (j) Condition and wholesomeness means the condition of any product, 

its healthfulness and fitness for human food.

    (k) Department means the United States Department of Agriculture.

    (l) Edible product means any product derived from ready-to-cook 

domestic rabbits.

    (m) Giblets means the liver from which the bile sac has been removed 

and the heart from which the pericardial sac has been removed.

    (n) Holiday or legal holiday shall mean the legal public holidays 

specified by the Congress in paragraph (a) of section 6103, Title 5, of 

the United States Code.

    (o) Identify means to apply official identification to products or 

to containers thereof.

    (p) Inspected and certified or certified means, with respect to any 

product, that it has undergone an inspection and was found, at the time 

of such inspection, to be sound, wholesome, and fit for human food.

    (q) Inspection, inspection service, or inspection of products for 

condition and wholesomeness means any inspection by an inspector to 

determine, in accordance with the regulations in this part, (1) the 

condition and wholesomeness of rabbits, or (2) the condition and 

wholesomeness of any edible product at any state of the preparation or 

packaging thereof in the official plant where inspected and certified, 

or (3) the condition and wholesomeness of any previously inspected and 

certified product if such product has not lost its identity as an 

inspected and certified product.

    (r) Inspection certificate means a statement, either written or 

printed, issued by an inspector, pursuant to the regulations in this 

part, relative to the condition and wholesomeness of products.

    (s) Inspector means any person who is licensed by the Secretary to 

investigate and certify, in accordance with the regulations in this 

part, the condition and wholesomeness of products. An inspector is an 

employee of the Department or of a State; he may be a graduate 

veterinarian or a layman.

    (t) Interested party means any person financially interested in a 

transaction involving any inspection.

    (u) National supervisor means (1) the officer in charge of the 

rabbit inspection service of the Food Safety and Inspection Service, and 

(2) other officers or employees of the Department designated by the 

officer in charge of the rabbit inspection service of the Food Safety 

and Inspection Service.

    (v) Official plant means one or more buildings or parts thereof, 

comprising a single plant in which the facilities and methods of 

operation therein have been approved by the Administrator as suitable 

and adequate for operation under inspection service and in which 

inspection is carried on in accordance with the regulations in this 


    (w) Person means any individual, partnership, association, business 

trust, corporation, or any organized group of persons, whether 

incorporated or not.

    (x) Potable water means water that has been approved by the State 

health authority as safe for drinking and suitable for food processing.

    (y) Product means ready-to-cook cooked rabbits, or edible products 

derived therefrom.

    (z) Rabbit means any domesticated rabbit, whether live or dead.

    (aa) Rabbit inspection service means the personnel who are engaged 

in the administration, application, and direction of rabbit inspection 

programs and services pursuant to the regulations in this part.

    (bb) Ready-to-cook domestic rabbit means any rabbit which has been 

slaughtered for human food, from which the head, blood, skin, feet, and 

inedible viscera have been removed, that is ready to cook without need 

of further processing. Ready-to-cook rabbit also means any cut-up or 


[[Page 386]]

portion of rabbit or any edible part thereof, as described in this 


    (cc) Regulations means the provisions of this entire part as may be 

in effect at the time inspection is performed.

    (dd) Secretary means the Secretary of the Department, or any other 

officer or employee of the Department to whom there has heretofore been 

delegated, or to whom there may hereafter be delegated, the authority to 

act in his stead.

    (ee) Service means the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the 


    (ff) Station supervisor means any authorized individual who is 

designated to supervise rabbit inspection service in a large official 

plant or in a group of several small plants.