Office of Justice Programs

Innovation • Partnerships • Safer Neighborhoods          

General Information


Each 2-day session begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. Certificates are only given to participants who fully complete the 2-day training.

Who Should Attend

The seminars are designed for persons responsible for the financial administration of formula and/or discretionary grants awarded from Federal grant-in-aid programs administered by DOJ and OJP Bureaus and Offices.

Seminar Curriculum

Seminars will cover the formula/discretionary grants awarded byOJP program offices. Knowledgeable and experienced OCFO officials will introduce seminar topics, serve as primary seminar presenters, and facilitate seminar discussion. Topics to be covered include:

  • application review process
  • grantee financial reporting requirements
  • payment methods
  • matching fund requirements
  • indirect cost methods
  • confidential fund requirements
  • monitoring responsibility
  • grant closeout process

Federal regulations and requirements governing the recording and expenditure of program income, procurement, lobbying, compliance with drug-free workplace requirements, supplanting, and audits will also be reviewed.


There is no registration fee for the seminars. Seminar attendees are responsible for all costs associated with their participation in the seminar, including transportation, lodging, and meals.

Seminar Attire

Participants are invited to dress casually.

Hotel Accommodations

A block of rooms will be reserved at each of the seminar hotel sites. Attendees presenting government identification may be exempt from some of the taxes. Check with the hotel when you make your reservation. Since the room rate indicated can only be guaranteed through the specified cut-off date, please make your reservations as soon as possible.


Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation.


Attendance for each seminar is limited, so register early. First-time attendees will be given priority. To ensure that the training is available to as many participants as possible, please attend the training no more frequently than once every 2 years. Each person planning to attend the seminar must register.