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Withdrawn NGC Summaries

Use the index below to find guidelines (listed by guideline developer) that have been withdrawn from the NGC Web site. Select "All" to see a complete list of withdrawn NGC Guideline Summaries (organized alphabetically by guideline developer). For a list of guidelines that have been updated, go to Updated NGC Summaries.

Guideline summaries are removed from the NGC Web site because they no longer meet the NGC Inclusion Criteria with respect to date, or because the guideline developer has indicated that the clinical practice guideline upon which the summary is based is obsolete, should no longer be used, or has not yet been replaced with a new/revised guideline. Please refer to the guideline developer's Web site, where available, for more information.

Note to PC users: If you are not sure which developer you need, consider using the "Find" option under the Edit menu or select Control-F to search the complete list by keyword.

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