
Who May Apply: (by category) Individuals

Who May Apply: (specifically) High school graduates who have been accepted for enrollment at institutions of higher education (IHEs), have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, and show promise of continued academic excellence may apply to states in which they are residents. The Department provides grant funds to states on a formula basis.

An eligible student applicant must, during the same secondary academic year in which the scholarship is to be awarded: (1) be a graduate of a public or private secondary school or have received the recognized equivalent of a high school diploma (GED); (2) be a legal resident of the State in which he or she applies; (3) be a U.S. citizen or national of the United States or have evidence from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service that he or she is a permanent resident or is in the United States for other than a temporary purpose; (4) has applied or been accepted for enrollment at an institution of higher education; (5) certify that he or she is not ineligible to receive assistance as a result of default on a Federal student loan or other obligation; and (6) file, with the school that he or she plans to attend, a Statement of Selective Service Registration Status. A student attending a military academy is ineligible to receive a Byrd scholarship.

Last Modified: 09/22/2006