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Ferret eMail Users Group

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How and why you should join

By joining you can:

be notified about updates and new releases

share questions (and answers) with other Ferret users

To join, simply send email to our Majordomo list server and include a message which says:

subscribe ferret_users

(Please note: this must be in the message BODY -- not in the subject line.)

To learn about the users list without joining send the following message to the same address:

info ferret_users

Once subscribed, to send a question or comment to the list, the address is:

To get a mail message with general help on using the mail server, send a mail message to Majordomo list server with this in the body of the message:

help (Please note: this must be in the message BODY -- not in the subject line.)

To unsubscribe, send a mail message to the list server, with this in the body of the message (not in the subject line)

unsubscribe ferret_users

Suggestions for posting questions

Don't hesitate to ask "simple" questions. If you've looked in the documentation and are still wondering about something, others probably are too. (See the Support Policy page for more ideas on how to find Ferret answers.)

Describe your question in the subject line. A subject line of "diurnal cycle" will receive more answers than "question", as people will recognize a topic they know about.

In your question, please say what version of Ferret and what operating system you are using. This information is in the header lines that appear when you start Ferret.

Go ahead and answer others' questions, using "Reply to All" so that your answer is posted to the list. The questionsand answers are what makes the list such a useful resource. A partial answer or some ideas that might help are fine.

Click here for the Live Access Server eMail Users Group

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